The universe is almost totally made of dark matter.
Great discoveries come sometimes unnoticed. The discovery of dark matter in the last century was one of them. The pioneers remain little known beyond astronomical circles. But we have reason to believe that sooner or later these distinguished scientists will be honored for revelation of a new horizon: the “era of dark matter”.
If we consider the heliocentric system proposed by Copernicus in the 16th century as a great progress, because it has put an end to 1400-year domination of the geocentric system and opened up fresh prospects for modern astronomy, then the discovery of dark matter will be a greater one.
Dark matter is invisible not because it is far away (most astronomers assume that it is distributed more or less coextensively with the visible galaxies) but because it neither emits nor absorbs light. Observations have indicated that at least 90%, and may be as much as 95% matter of the universe is dark.
Scientists realize that the millions of galaxies they have studied are of a tiny minority, a sample that is not representative of the whole, and scientific conclusions that ignore the majority may be far from consistent with reality, because they may be as distorted as a poll that attempted to predict the outcome of a national election by interviewing only monastic vegetarians.
The discovery of dark matter, which is of the absolute majority and must have the decisive role in the motion of the universe, calls for a new theory. The study of dark matter will be certainly an exciting adventure of human beings toward the true nature of the universe.
First of all, let’s review the history of the discovery and the contributions of great pioneers.
In 1933, the Swiss-American astronomer Fritz Zwicky discovered that outlying galaxies in the Coma cluster are moving faster than they would be if its mass were limited to that of the visible galaxies in it. Therefore the Coma cluster must be more massive than what revealed by its light, otherwise these galaxies would have flown out of it long ago. (The Coma cluster is estimated to be over 10 billion years old). Zwicky calculated that Coma is more than 9/10 dark matter. Modern estimates arrive at about the same value.
The protean research of Zwicky went beyond discovering the first evidence for intergalactic dark matter. He was the first to propose that the cores of supernovae can survive as neutron stars. Zwicky coined the terms dark matter and supernovae, and still holds the record for the most supernovae discovered by a single observer. He even foresaw (1937) that the dark matter problem could be tackled by studying galaxies that act as “gravitational” lenses.
In 1929, when Hubble established what has been known as the Hubble law (that the farther away a galaxy is, the larger red-shift display in its spectrum) to affirm the theory of expansion of the universe, Zwicky suggested the tired light hypothesis. Tired light is the concept that light as it travels vast distances loses its energy, creating a red-shift distance relation that is not due to cosmic expansion at all. Most of scientists asserted that Zwicky was wrong. But (we will discuss the issue later) Zwicky may be right.
Although Zwicky didn’t deport himself like a gentleman, but his point of view: “Absolute beliefs are almost always wrong” may be right. The reason is simple: Human knowledge is based on only a few percent matter of the universe.
“Because of” the lack of common courtesy, the study of dark matter that he had pioneered languished. It revived only after 40 years.
Vera Rubin, a relatively unheralded female astronomer, when the dismissive attitude toward women was once ubiquitous in the physical science community, has performed a breakthrough in the study of dark matter. At a time when the discovery of quasars was drawing attention to galactic centers, Rubin began studying the outskirts of galaxies.
A typical spiral galaxy consists of a central ‘bulge’ crowded with stars and a more thinly populated ‘disk’. The bulge is brighter than the disk, and the disk is brighter near the bulge than its edge, where it falls off into the immense darkness of the outer space. If the density of matter in spiral galaxies decreased as does the disk brightness, the stars lying toward the edge of the disk would orbit much more slowly than those near the central bulge. This is characteristic of all orbital systems where the mass is concentrated in the center (Kepler’s third law). As with planets in the solar system, (the sun is in the center and contains 99% of the mass of the system), the earth revolves at a speed of 30 Km/s, while Jupiter, five times father from the sun, orbits at a rate of 13 Km/s.
Rubin examined the motion of stars across the disks of spiral galaxies, and confirmed that disk stars do orbit more slowly than those in the bulge, but outlying stars move just as fast as stars in the disk. For the most part there is no decline in the stars’ orbit velocity all the way out to the limits of observation, and in some cases the outer stars actually move faster than those in the main disk.
Rubin concluded: The rotational velocity of spiral galaxies in a diverse sample either remains constant with increasing distance from the center or rises slightly out as far as it is possible to make measurements. So it must be that galactic mass does not decrease at the rate that the density of visible stars does.
This unexpected result indicates that the falloff in luminous mass with distance from the center is balanced by an increase in nonluminous mass, that is, dark matter. Thereafter, many observers gathered data that confirmed her findings. It is now widely supposed that spiral galaxies are surrounded by massive dark halo of unseen matter. Cosmically speaking, there is dark matter right in our front yard.
It is interesting that Rubin’s observation determined the distribution of dark matter, the decisive evidence that help to identify its nature.
The larger the scale on which we sample the universe, the greater the proportion of dark matter seems to be.
The Local Group of 26 galaxies, to which the Milky Way belongs, is an average sized group. Astronomers examining such groups find evidence of dark matter in the intergalactic space.
In 1994, a study found that triplets of galaxies revolve in stable orbits around their mutual center at velocities that could be supported only by large quantities of dark matter. An X-ray image of the NGC 2300 group, 150 million light-years from earth, in Cepheus, revealed a dense cloud of gas so hot that it would have blown out of the cluster had the cloud not been held in place by dark mass amounting to between 15 and 25 times the mass that the visible galaxies contain. It is likely that most galaxies have dark matter in their immediate intergalactic neighborhood.
Several studies indicate that clusters of galaxies are at least 9/10 dark matter. Dynamic and X-ray examinations of the Coma cluster confirm the estimate of Zwicky.
Recently, large masses of clusters of galaxies have been estimated by the “gravitational” lensing technique.
The observed cluster of galaxies is the lense. A distant quasar (the brightest object of the universe) may have two images observed to either side of the cluster. The strength of the gravitational field reveals how much mass is in the cluster. “Gravitational” lensing technique, too, suggests that galaxy clusters are at least more than 90 % dark matter.
The larger the sample, the greater the percentage of dark matter found within it. And with the largest sample (the whole universe) the percentage of bright matter may be only 1-5%. The universe is almost totally made of dark matter (dark energy is nothing more than energy of dark matter, mentioned later).
Where does the Creator stash over 95% of his property to prevent it from being observed?
According to the above observations, dark matter seems to be something stationary rather than flying in the universe.
It is probable that dark matter is somewhat homogeneously distributed in a galaxy, and possibly, throughout the universe. The above studies of dark matter imply some important inferences:
- Dark matter is present in galaxies, in intergalactic spaces of a group, in spaces between groups of a cluster, and even in the outside of the outermost galaxies of clusters.
- The velocities of outlying stars do not decline suggest that the falloff in luminous mass with distance from the center is balanced by an increase in dark matter. Cosmically speaking, there is dark matter right in our front yard, but normally speaking, we are living in dark matter.
- The larger the sample (groups, clusters of galaxies), that means, the larger the space is, the greater the percentage of dark matter found in it.
Where could most of the matter and energy of the universe be stored other than the whole space of the universe?
If we consider the heliocentric system proposed by Copernicus in the 16th century as a great progress, because it has put an end to 1400-year domination of the geocentric system and opened up fresh prospects for modern astronomy, then the discovery of dark matter will be a greater one.
Dark matter is invisible not because it is far away (most astronomers assume that it is distributed more or less coextensively with the visible galaxies) but because it neither emits nor absorbs light. Observations have indicated that at least 90%, and may be as much as 95% matter of the universe is dark.
Scientists realize that the millions of galaxies they have studied are of a tiny minority, a sample that is not representative of the whole, and scientific conclusions that ignore the majority may be far from consistent with reality, because they may be as distorted as a poll that attempted to predict the outcome of a national election by interviewing only monastic vegetarians.
The discovery of dark matter, which is of the absolute majority and must have the decisive role in the motion of the universe, calls for a new theory. The study of dark matter will be certainly an exciting adventure of human beings toward the true nature of the universe.
First of all, let’s review the history of the discovery and the contributions of great pioneers.
In 1933, the Swiss-American astronomer Fritz Zwicky discovered that outlying galaxies in the Coma cluster are moving faster than they would be if its mass were limited to that of the visible galaxies in it. Therefore the Coma cluster must be more massive than what revealed by its light, otherwise these galaxies would have flown out of it long ago. (The Coma cluster is estimated to be over 10 billion years old). Zwicky calculated that Coma is more than 9/10 dark matter. Modern estimates arrive at about the same value.
The protean research of Zwicky went beyond discovering the first evidence for intergalactic dark matter. He was the first to propose that the cores of supernovae can survive as neutron stars. Zwicky coined the terms dark matter and supernovae, and still holds the record for the most supernovae discovered by a single observer. He even foresaw (1937) that the dark matter problem could be tackled by studying galaxies that act as “gravitational” lenses.
In 1929, when Hubble established what has been known as the Hubble law (that the farther away a galaxy is, the larger red-shift display in its spectrum) to affirm the theory of expansion of the universe, Zwicky suggested the tired light hypothesis. Tired light is the concept that light as it travels vast distances loses its energy, creating a red-shift distance relation that is not due to cosmic expansion at all. Most of scientists asserted that Zwicky was wrong. But (we will discuss the issue later) Zwicky may be right.
Although Zwicky didn’t deport himself like a gentleman, but his point of view: “Absolute beliefs are almost always wrong” may be right. The reason is simple: Human knowledge is based on only a few percent matter of the universe.
“Because of” the lack of common courtesy, the study of dark matter that he had pioneered languished. It revived only after 40 years.
Vera Rubin, a relatively unheralded female astronomer, when the dismissive attitude toward women was once ubiquitous in the physical science community, has performed a breakthrough in the study of dark matter. At a time when the discovery of quasars was drawing attention to galactic centers, Rubin began studying the outskirts of galaxies.
A typical spiral galaxy consists of a central ‘bulge’ crowded with stars and a more thinly populated ‘disk’. The bulge is brighter than the disk, and the disk is brighter near the bulge than its edge, where it falls off into the immense darkness of the outer space. If the density of matter in spiral galaxies decreased as does the disk brightness, the stars lying toward the edge of the disk would orbit much more slowly than those near the central bulge. This is characteristic of all orbital systems where the mass is concentrated in the center (Kepler’s third law). As with planets in the solar system, (the sun is in the center and contains 99% of the mass of the system), the earth revolves at a speed of 30 Km/s, while Jupiter, five times father from the sun, orbits at a rate of 13 Km/s.
Rubin examined the motion of stars across the disks of spiral galaxies, and confirmed that disk stars do orbit more slowly than those in the bulge, but outlying stars move just as fast as stars in the disk. For the most part there is no decline in the stars’ orbit velocity all the way out to the limits of observation, and in some cases the outer stars actually move faster than those in the main disk.
Rubin concluded: The rotational velocity of spiral galaxies in a diverse sample either remains constant with increasing distance from the center or rises slightly out as far as it is possible to make measurements. So it must be that galactic mass does not decrease at the rate that the density of visible stars does.
This unexpected result indicates that the falloff in luminous mass with distance from the center is balanced by an increase in nonluminous mass, that is, dark matter. Thereafter, many observers gathered data that confirmed her findings. It is now widely supposed that spiral galaxies are surrounded by massive dark halo of unseen matter. Cosmically speaking, there is dark matter right in our front yard.
It is interesting that Rubin’s observation determined the distribution of dark matter, the decisive evidence that help to identify its nature.
The larger the scale on which we sample the universe, the greater the proportion of dark matter seems to be.
The Local Group of 26 galaxies, to which the Milky Way belongs, is an average sized group. Astronomers examining such groups find evidence of dark matter in the intergalactic space.
In 1994, a study found that triplets of galaxies revolve in stable orbits around their mutual center at velocities that could be supported only by large quantities of dark matter. An X-ray image of the NGC 2300 group, 150 million light-years from earth, in Cepheus, revealed a dense cloud of gas so hot that it would have blown out of the cluster had the cloud not been held in place by dark mass amounting to between 15 and 25 times the mass that the visible galaxies contain. It is likely that most galaxies have dark matter in their immediate intergalactic neighborhood.
Several studies indicate that clusters of galaxies are at least 9/10 dark matter. Dynamic and X-ray examinations of the Coma cluster confirm the estimate of Zwicky.
Recently, large masses of clusters of galaxies have been estimated by the “gravitational” lensing technique.
The observed cluster of galaxies is the lense. A distant quasar (the brightest object of the universe) may have two images observed to either side of the cluster. The strength of the gravitational field reveals how much mass is in the cluster. “Gravitational” lensing technique, too, suggests that galaxy clusters are at least more than 90 % dark matter.
The larger the sample, the greater the percentage of dark matter found within it. And with the largest sample (the whole universe) the percentage of bright matter may be only 1-5%. The universe is almost totally made of dark matter (dark energy is nothing more than energy of dark matter, mentioned later).
Where does the Creator stash over 95% of his property to prevent it from being observed?
According to the above observations, dark matter seems to be something stationary rather than flying in the universe.
It is probable that dark matter is somewhat homogeneously distributed in a galaxy, and possibly, throughout the universe. The above studies of dark matter imply some important inferences:
- Dark matter is present in galaxies, in intergalactic spaces of a group, in spaces between groups of a cluster, and even in the outside of the outermost galaxies of clusters.
- The velocities of outlying stars do not decline suggest that the falloff in luminous mass with distance from the center is balanced by an increase in dark matter. Cosmically speaking, there is dark matter right in our front yard, but normally speaking, we are living in dark matter.
- The larger the sample (groups, clusters of galaxies), that means, the larger the space is, the greater the percentage of dark matter found in it.
Where could most of the matter and energy of the universe be stored other than the whole space of the universe?
The invisible matter of the space does exist.
Many famous theories in physics have developed in the last century. Some of them have arisen from the death of a substance called “aether”. Let’s recall the case aether to understand why and how its existence had been executed. If that is a mistake, it will be the most serious one in the history of human perception of the universe.
It is well known that sound waves can travel in the air, but cannot be transmitted through the outer space, because there exists no medium for the transmission of mechanical waves. However, light waves can travel through space at a constant velocity of 300,000 Km/s.
Based on the principle of analogy, scientists, especially Christian Huygens (1629 – 1695, Dutch physicist, astronomer, mathematician), suggested that the outer space is not truly empty, but is filled with an invisible substance, that serves as the medium for the transmission of light waves and other forms of radiant energy.
They called the invisible matter “aether”. Greek mythology said that the universe began with Chaos, thereafter, Erebus (God of nether, darkness) coupled with Nix (Goddess of the night shadow), gave birth to the first son, the immortal Ether (the “air” filling the space), and the second son is Hemer (the light).
The term aether had been used in the ancient time to describe an imaginary substance filling all space beyond the scope of the moon and “making up the stars and planets”. Because of that reason or because aether could not be directly observed, it has never been considered to be a form of matter, and was presumed to have a characteristic that no matter in the world would have: The substance aether was supposed to be either static or moving steadily in one direction, and has no mutual impact with the rest of the universe.
The substance aether moved… exactly as the will of scientists, therefore, its fatal outcome was only a matter of time. Because the earth rotates around the sun at a speed of 30 Km/s in a changing direction, the velocity of light, measured in the direction of the earth movement, was assumed to have significant changes in a year.
Albert Abraham Michelson (1852-1931), an expert in interferometer (changes in the velocity of light induce changes in the interference fringe), had been working continually in a year, but could not detect any change in the velocity of light. The substance aether, thereafter, was declared “not exists”. The space was considered to be empty and the velocity of light was affirmed to be invariable in any inertial reference frame. These are the important premises for the development of the theory of Relativity and Big Bang. In 1907, Michelson received the Nobel Prize for physics. Aether was regarded once again as an imaginary substance, and has been gradually forgotten, in spite of cry for help of many scientists until nowadays.
The immortal aether…died. Something was wrong somewhere. Is it true that aether is not a sort of matter?
It should be emphasized that aether is nothing less than matter. To be the medium for transmission of light waves, aether must be a form, unknown and invisible form of matter, and closely related to the visible part of the world. Being a form of matter, the invisible matter also “falls” to the ground as an apple does. And at a certain distance from the earth, it moves with the surface of the earth as does the atmosphere.
In other words, the invisible matter is stationary to an immobile observer on the surface of the planet (no aether wind). So, no changes in the velocity of light could be detected in any direction, at any time of a cycle around the sun, such as there is no change in the speed of sound in four seasons of a year.
With the Michelson experiment man can define one, and only one, characteristic of the motion of the invisible matter, but cannot rule out the existence of such a substance. Aether is not a phantasm drifting romantically in the universe and having no mutual impact with the visible world. The invisible matter is closely connected to the visible. The movement of visible matter reveals somewhat that of the invisible, such as the motion of floating objects and that of the surface of water.
Aether was a victim of injustice. But the immortal son of the Olympian gods is not dead. It has revived under a new name: “dark matter”. A certain Galilee of the modern time may say: “But…the invisible matter does exist”.
Modern cosmological theories based on quantum field theory do not rule out the possibility that the inherent energy of the vacuum is greater than zero and the concept of an aether pervading the vacuum may have more than metaphoric meaning.
Denying the existence of the invisible aether, scientists must invent so many invisible "fields" to cope with reality.
Although the speed of sound does not change in any direction and at any time, we may not conclude that there is no invisible air or the air medium is not necessary for the propagation of sound waves. We realize the presence of the invisible air because there is air wind, the presence of the invisible aether is ruled out... because there is no aether wind ??!. If we want to find out the theory of everything, we must at first find out a unified theory for all kinds of waves in the universe.
By means of various studies, we could infer that : It is probable that an absolute majority of matter of the universe is invisible. It fills the whole space and makes up the background matter of the universe. The investigation of this matter would be a decisive step in defining the nature and the dynamic of the motion of the universe, and the knowledge about dark matter will bring about radical changes in human ideology.
It is well known that sound waves can travel in the air, but cannot be transmitted through the outer space, because there exists no medium for the transmission of mechanical waves. However, light waves can travel through space at a constant velocity of 300,000 Km/s.
Based on the principle of analogy, scientists, especially Christian Huygens (1629 – 1695, Dutch physicist, astronomer, mathematician), suggested that the outer space is not truly empty, but is filled with an invisible substance, that serves as the medium for the transmission of light waves and other forms of radiant energy.
They called the invisible matter “aether”. Greek mythology said that the universe began with Chaos, thereafter, Erebus (God of nether, darkness) coupled with Nix (Goddess of the night shadow), gave birth to the first son, the immortal Ether (the “air” filling the space), and the second son is Hemer (the light).
The term aether had been used in the ancient time to describe an imaginary substance filling all space beyond the scope of the moon and “making up the stars and planets”. Because of that reason or because aether could not be directly observed, it has never been considered to be a form of matter, and was presumed to have a characteristic that no matter in the world would have: The substance aether was supposed to be either static or moving steadily in one direction, and has no mutual impact with the rest of the universe.
The substance aether moved… exactly as the will of scientists, therefore, its fatal outcome was only a matter of time. Because the earth rotates around the sun at a speed of 30 Km/s in a changing direction, the velocity of light, measured in the direction of the earth movement, was assumed to have significant changes in a year.
Albert Abraham Michelson (1852-1931), an expert in interferometer (changes in the velocity of light induce changes in the interference fringe), had been working continually in a year, but could not detect any change in the velocity of light. The substance aether, thereafter, was declared “not exists”. The space was considered to be empty and the velocity of light was affirmed to be invariable in any inertial reference frame. These are the important premises for the development of the theory of Relativity and Big Bang. In 1907, Michelson received the Nobel Prize for physics. Aether was regarded once again as an imaginary substance, and has been gradually forgotten, in spite of cry for help of many scientists until nowadays.
The immortal aether…died. Something was wrong somewhere. Is it true that aether is not a sort of matter?
It should be emphasized that aether is nothing less than matter. To be the medium for transmission of light waves, aether must be a form, unknown and invisible form of matter, and closely related to the visible part of the world. Being a form of matter, the invisible matter also “falls” to the ground as an apple does. And at a certain distance from the earth, it moves with the surface of the earth as does the atmosphere.
In other words, the invisible matter is stationary to an immobile observer on the surface of the planet (no aether wind). So, no changes in the velocity of light could be detected in any direction, at any time of a cycle around the sun, such as there is no change in the speed of sound in four seasons of a year.
With the Michelson experiment man can define one, and only one, characteristic of the motion of the invisible matter, but cannot rule out the existence of such a substance. Aether is not a phantasm drifting romantically in the universe and having no mutual impact with the visible world. The invisible matter is closely connected to the visible. The movement of visible matter reveals somewhat that of the invisible, such as the motion of floating objects and that of the surface of water.
Aether was a victim of injustice. But the immortal son of the Olympian gods is not dead. It has revived under a new name: “dark matter”. A certain Galilee of the modern time may say: “But…the invisible matter does exist”.
Modern cosmological theories based on quantum field theory do not rule out the possibility that the inherent energy of the vacuum is greater than zero and the concept of an aether pervading the vacuum may have more than metaphoric meaning.
Denying the existence of the invisible aether, scientists must invent so many invisible "fields" to cope with reality.
Although the speed of sound does not change in any direction and at any time, we may not conclude that there is no invisible air or the air medium is not necessary for the propagation of sound waves. We realize the presence of the invisible air because there is air wind, the presence of the invisible aether is ruled out... because there is no aether wind ??!. If we want to find out the theory of everything, we must at first find out a unified theory for all kinds of waves in the universe.
By means of various studies, we could infer that : It is probable that an absolute majority of matter of the universe is invisible. It fills the whole space and makes up the background matter of the universe. The investigation of this matter would be a decisive step in defining the nature and the dynamic of the motion of the universe, and the knowledge about dark matter will bring about radical changes in human ideology.
Dark matter consists of elementons.
Light rays, beside their wave nature (inferred from the phenomena of interference), possess also the particle nature (from the Compton’s scattering). Scientists call them “photons”, of which the mass and energy at rest are zero.
So, we may infer that the invisible matter is made of invisible particles, which are simplest, elementary, of minimum levels of energy, and could be called the background particles, or elementons.
Receiving energy from light wave, a background particle turns out to be a photon that could be observed as a visible particle. As soon as the light wave goes away, it returns to its previous state. Such as a floating object makes a circle movement as a wave passes by. Dark matter does not interact with light because it itself is the medium for light waves transmission. Elementons are photons at rest. We can see the object that emits light, but we cannot see the light waves on their way of transmission.
The background matter, consisting of invisible particles, could account for the particle-wave duality of light. It seems that there is no photon flying through the universe.
The following equation suggests a relation between visible and invisible matter:
Bright matter = Dark matter + Energy.
(Visible) (Invisible)
Scientists are trying to construct a great unified theory that would explain all the four fundamental interactions (gravitational, electromagnetic, strong, and weak) by a single set of equation. But the gravitational force always proves to be an insurmountable challenge.
Even Isaac Newton was deeply troubled that his law of gravitation included no mechanical way of getting gravitational force across what he presumed to be empty space (spooky action at a distance). Until the present time, all efforts to seek for “graviton” are of no avail.
If the universe consisted only of visible matter, there would be a unique explanation for the phenomenon of gravitation : Matter “attracts” each other.
However, the invisible matter, of an absolute majority, probably has a decisive role in the motion of the universe and is the origin of all phenomena, including that of "gravity". Therefore, there could be other explanations: Gravity is not an illusion, it is a force, but instead of a "pull" force, it is a "push" force. The apple falls to the ground not being attracted by the earth , but being pushed to the earth by "potential waves" in dark matter. (mentioned later).
Perhaps there would be many theories about this fundamental issue; the following assumption is only a simple suggestion:
It is possible that invisible particles doesn’t attract, but repels each other. The background matter of the universe is an ideal gas, and background particles have minimum levels of energy, but not zero as asserted. With certain amounts of energy, they vibrate and repel each other to conserve their innate spaces. Think about energy, vibration and frequency (Nichola Tesla). The repulsive force is proportional to the particle temperature.
When vibrating background particles are compressed, they will turn around each other, or more precisely, to vibrate to fight against the rest of the universe, consequently, these particles turn out to be a visible particle. It can now emit or absorb an active invisible particle, a photon.
A visible particle is made of invisible ones in a state of antagonism (action and reaction) between the "repulsive force" of the vibrating visible particle in the center and the "compressive force" of the potential waves all round in the invisible background matter, extending into the outer space (de Broglie-Bohm's pilot waves). The intensity of the potential waves is inversely proportional to the distance squared. The repulsive force is responsible for the probabilistic nature of a particle, and the compressive force makes the fate of the particle more deterministic.
The intensity of all potential waves determines the so-called "mass" of the particle. The "mass" m of the object M represents the total force of the universe ( the potential waves) exerting on the object, and the mass of an object is also the sum of all forms of energy of all ingredients of the object.
"Mass" will change only with the speed of the particle in the reference frame of the background matter ( the CMB). The motion of the background matter is complex in accordance with the motion of visible objects. But on the surface of this planet, the background matter is stationary to an immobile observer on earth.
"Mass" also changes in the presence of potential waves of other objects. Velocities relative to other objects have little physical meaning.
Potential waves are possibly longitudinal waves ( the transverse one are light). Any by-stander in the field of influence of the potential waves towards another object will be pushed toward it. That results in the phenomenon of gravitation. There is no gravity, no curved spacetime. The very, very fast speed of the longitudinal potential waves cause confusion about time and locality. That is the cause of spooky action at a distance.
The speed of light (transverse waves) certainly changes (slow down) in regions where there are strong potential waves, and causes the so-called "gravitational lensing" (refraction).
If two or more visible particles are pushed toward each other, they will turn around themselves, and form “heavier” ones. It is possible that this principle would be applied to all structures in the visible world, from smallest particles to superclusters.
There is a puzzle in the logical aspect of quantum physics. That is, it depends on the manner in which a particle is observed that it may be either “particle” or “wave”, and both agree fully with experiment.
To solve the problem (temporarily), Niels Bohr (1885 – 1962, Danish physicist) suggested the concept of complementarity. The wavelike and particlelike potential states are two sides of an entity that complement each other.
David Bohm, assistant professor in Princeton, a young physicist believed that nature is fully deterministic and any theory that restricts itself to probabilities cannot be complete.
Bohm invented an agency, a guiding wave, to manipulate the particles. He called this guiding wave the “quantum potential”. Although he was unable to describe this agency with any great clarity, but he insisted on its existence and predicted that its elucidation would bring about not just a new theory but a new “order”, a revolution comparable to the world-shaking change we associate with the name Copernicus.
While Zwicky didn’t clarify the reason of the tiredness of lights, Bohm didn’t show any evidence to indicate the existence of quantum potential, because dark matter wasn’t yet an important issue at that time. Dark matter will not only vindicate Zwicky‘s tiredness, but also justify Bohm‘s quantum potential.
The fate of Bohm was more disheartened than that of Zwicky. Bohm was fired from his post and spent the rest of his life in a species of exile, teaching in Brazil, Israel, and thereafter in England.
As for Zwicky, that was the result of his lack of common courtesy; for Bohm, the outcome of his standpoint of Marxism. Both were young, remarkably great, and have advanced beyond their time. They were the incarnations of Hermes, who came here to herald the coming era of dark matter.
So, we may infer that the invisible matter is made of invisible particles, which are simplest, elementary, of minimum levels of energy, and could be called the background particles, or elementons.
Receiving energy from light wave, a background particle turns out to be a photon that could be observed as a visible particle. As soon as the light wave goes away, it returns to its previous state. Such as a floating object makes a circle movement as a wave passes by. Dark matter does not interact with light because it itself is the medium for light waves transmission. Elementons are photons at rest. We can see the object that emits light, but we cannot see the light waves on their way of transmission.
The background matter, consisting of invisible particles, could account for the particle-wave duality of light. It seems that there is no photon flying through the universe.
The following equation suggests a relation between visible and invisible matter:
Bright matter = Dark matter + Energy.
(Visible) (Invisible)
Scientists are trying to construct a great unified theory that would explain all the four fundamental interactions (gravitational, electromagnetic, strong, and weak) by a single set of equation. But the gravitational force always proves to be an insurmountable challenge.
Even Isaac Newton was deeply troubled that his law of gravitation included no mechanical way of getting gravitational force across what he presumed to be empty space (spooky action at a distance). Until the present time, all efforts to seek for “graviton” are of no avail.
If the universe consisted only of visible matter, there would be a unique explanation for the phenomenon of gravitation : Matter “attracts” each other.
However, the invisible matter, of an absolute majority, probably has a decisive role in the motion of the universe and is the origin of all phenomena, including that of "gravity". Therefore, there could be other explanations: Gravity is not an illusion, it is a force, but instead of a "pull" force, it is a "push" force. The apple falls to the ground not being attracted by the earth , but being pushed to the earth by "potential waves" in dark matter. (mentioned later).
Perhaps there would be many theories about this fundamental issue; the following assumption is only a simple suggestion:
It is possible that invisible particles doesn’t attract, but repels each other. The background matter of the universe is an ideal gas, and background particles have minimum levels of energy, but not zero as asserted. With certain amounts of energy, they vibrate and repel each other to conserve their innate spaces. Think about energy, vibration and frequency (Nichola Tesla). The repulsive force is proportional to the particle temperature.
When vibrating background particles are compressed, they will turn around each other, or more precisely, to vibrate to fight against the rest of the universe, consequently, these particles turn out to be a visible particle. It can now emit or absorb an active invisible particle, a photon.
A visible particle is made of invisible ones in a state of antagonism (action and reaction) between the "repulsive force" of the vibrating visible particle in the center and the "compressive force" of the potential waves all round in the invisible background matter, extending into the outer space (de Broglie-Bohm's pilot waves). The intensity of the potential waves is inversely proportional to the distance squared. The repulsive force is responsible for the probabilistic nature of a particle, and the compressive force makes the fate of the particle more deterministic.
The intensity of all potential waves determines the so-called "mass" of the particle. The "mass" m of the object M represents the total force of the universe ( the potential waves) exerting on the object, and the mass of an object is also the sum of all forms of energy of all ingredients of the object.
"Mass" will change only with the speed of the particle in the reference frame of the background matter ( the CMB). The motion of the background matter is complex in accordance with the motion of visible objects. But on the surface of this planet, the background matter is stationary to an immobile observer on earth.
"Mass" also changes in the presence of potential waves of other objects. Velocities relative to other objects have little physical meaning.
Potential waves are possibly longitudinal waves ( the transverse one are light). Any by-stander in the field of influence of the potential waves towards another object will be pushed toward it. That results in the phenomenon of gravitation. There is no gravity, no curved spacetime. The very, very fast speed of the longitudinal potential waves cause confusion about time and locality. That is the cause of spooky action at a distance.
The speed of light (transverse waves) certainly changes (slow down) in regions where there are strong potential waves, and causes the so-called "gravitational lensing" (refraction).
If two or more visible particles are pushed toward each other, they will turn around themselves, and form “heavier” ones. It is possible that this principle would be applied to all structures in the visible world, from smallest particles to superclusters.
There is a puzzle in the logical aspect of quantum physics. That is, it depends on the manner in which a particle is observed that it may be either “particle” or “wave”, and both agree fully with experiment.
To solve the problem (temporarily), Niels Bohr (1885 – 1962, Danish physicist) suggested the concept of complementarity. The wavelike and particlelike potential states are two sides of an entity that complement each other.
David Bohm, assistant professor in Princeton, a young physicist believed that nature is fully deterministic and any theory that restricts itself to probabilities cannot be complete.
Bohm invented an agency, a guiding wave, to manipulate the particles. He called this guiding wave the “quantum potential”. Although he was unable to describe this agency with any great clarity, but he insisted on its existence and predicted that its elucidation would bring about not just a new theory but a new “order”, a revolution comparable to the world-shaking change we associate with the name Copernicus.
While Zwicky didn’t clarify the reason of the tiredness of lights, Bohm didn’t show any evidence to indicate the existence of quantum potential, because dark matter wasn’t yet an important issue at that time. Dark matter will not only vindicate Zwicky‘s tiredness, but also justify Bohm‘s quantum potential.
The fate of Bohm was more disheartened than that of Zwicky. Bohm was fired from his post and spent the rest of his life in a species of exile, teaching in Brazil, Israel, and thereafter in England.
As for Zwicky, that was the result of his lack of common courtesy; for Bohm, the outcome of his standpoint of Marxism. Both were young, remarkably great, and have advanced beyond their time. They were the incarnations of Hermes, who came here to herald the coming era of dark matter.
The law of entropy is the law of the dancing universe, the law of everything.
What is the size of our universe? How has it been created? What are its structures? And how has it been put in motion?
It seems that no one has the exclusive right to answer these questions. Therefore, there are many explanations from mythology, philosophy, religion, science and even poets and writers. First of all, however, let’s review what has been described under observations of astronomers.
There are seven levels of structure in the universe: star systems (such as solar system), galaxies, groups (of galaxies), clusters, clouds, superclusters, and supercluster complexes or walls (The negative-entropy evolution of visible existence). The walls enclose voids (cosmic bubbles, with few galaxies to be seen within).
Similarities have been found among these hierarchical structures. For example, superclusters contain groups and clusters of galaxies, like the way that a galaxy contains groups and clusters of stars. Some superclusters are flat in shape, as spiral galaxies are. That suggests there could be a general principle in the formation and the motion of the universe.
Groups are a few million light-years wide and consist of 3 to 6 conspicuous galaxies plus a dozen smaller and dimmer ones. Many of the larger galaxies are found in pairs and some in trios. Many of the smaller galaxies are satellites of the dominant ones.
Clusters measure 10-20 million light-years in diameter and contain hundreds to thousands of galaxies. Clusters are of two forms, irregular clusters that have lots of spiral galaxies and spherical clusters that contain predominantly ellipticals. Clusters are much denser than groups. Groups are only a few times denser than the universe at large, while clusters are at 10 to 20 times the average cosmic density, and at the cluster center the ratio is as high as ten thousands times. The orbital velocities of galaxies in groups are low (100-200 Km/s), while in clusters the velocities are ten times faster, about 1,000 Km/s.
Clouds are associations measuring 30 million light-years in diameter and often linked together in strings called filaments and spurs.
Superclusters measure more than 100 million light-years in diameter and contain about 10,000 galaxies each.
The Milky Way belongs to a group of galaxies known as the Local Group, which contains 26 known galaxies and probably others, hidden behind the dust clouds in the disk. The dominant spiral (the Andromeda M31) paired with the second-ranking spiral (the Milky Way). The third impressive spiral called M33. The rest are inconspicuous dwarf spirals, irregulars, and ellipticals. The Local Group stands toward the outer edge of a large cloud, called the Local or Coma-Sculptor Cloud, which itself lies toward the edge of the Virgo Supercluster.
The Virgo Supercluster contains at least 11 clusters or clouds at its core, and perhaps 50 more in the halo. Its diameter is more than 100 million light-years. Its shape is somewhat flattened and its nucleus is the Virgo Cluster, 60 million light-years from us. The Virgo Cluster is an aggregation of 1,170 prominent galaxies and thousands of dwarf galaxies, centered on a pair of giant elliptical galaxies.
Human beings find themselves on the fringe of things. Not only does the earth not occupy the center of the solar system, and the solar system resides far from the center of the Milky Way, but also the Local Group is situated toward the outer limits of the Virgo Supercluster. Some of us are disappointed because they aren’t in centers of universe structures. But the extreme conditions in these centers are not suitable for life.
The largest known structures are supercluster complexes or walls (such as the Great Wall and the Cetus Wall), that consist of many superclusters connected by bridges or tendrils. They can span a billion light-years in length, (that is more than 5% of the radius of the observable universe), but only a few ten million light-years thick. They form curved walls enclosing vast voids or bubbles that measure from about 300 million to more than one billion light-years, within which galaxies are scarce and superclusters nonexistent.
Dense superclusters are found at points where the walls of several bubbles intersect, and the distribution of bright matter in the universe resembles the structure of a Swiss cheese or a sponge.
It must be that this distinctive feature of the distribution of bright matter is closely related to the development of the early universe, and must be elucidated by any theory that wants to explain everything.
It is possible that the early universe contained only dark matter. Because of the inequality of creation, there were different levels of energy in different regions, and that induced fluctuations in the background matter of the universe, such as fluctuating waves on the surface of the open sea. Dark energy is nothing other than energy of dark matter. High energy regions of dark matter (the so-called dark energy) expand contributing to the formation of the cooling down cosmic bubbles (the expansion of the universe is not uniformly but clumpy, huge cosmic voids are the aggregations of many small voids), low energy regions are contracted ( that causes the red-shift quantization and change with the direction of observation). Possibly there is no change in the space of the whole universe.
In contracted regions, there is compressive power in the form of potential waves that is the common invisible origin of all fundamental forces including "gravity" and supply energy for the negative-entropy evolution of all visible existence including living bodies, that is the local and "transitory" phenomenon in the general process of thermal equilibrium between different regions of dark matter.
Bright matter is the floating part of an iceberg, the submerged is dark matter. Both are made of the same material, only different in the levels of energy. The motion of the floating part naturally depends on that of the submerged.
The formation of bright matter is an intermediate stage in the process of increasing the entropy value of the entire universe.
Entropy is a value to measure the degree of disorder. The law of entropy derives from the second law of thermodynamics. The generalized law of entropy is stated as followed:
In a closed physical system, the degree of disorder increases, and the system attains the state of equilibrium when it reaches the highest possible value of entropy.
For example, if we pour hot and cold water into one glass, the order “hot-cold” will decrease until all molecules of water are of the same temperature, that means, the highest disorder, and the water is in the state of equilibrium. As well as, in a preliminary school, break time, the children play running throughout the schoolyard, and only stand orderly in lines with the interference of teachers.
In summary, the order of a system cannot be preserved if there is no supply of energy . There is no perpetuum mobile, even an atom or the whole universe. It is possible that an atom [quantum or not] must be continuously supplied with energy to maintain its atomic structure.
In spite of its utmost importance, the law of entropy is infrequently referred to, because it seems to have nothing to do with the universal gravitation. It is mentioned only when subjectively needed. When “black holes” were accused of violating the law of entropy (black holes decrease the entropy value of the entire universe), scientists defended themselves that the law entropy would be conserved…at the surface of the black holes. If matter could attracts each other, the order of the system would not decrease, but automatically increases, that means, the value of entropy gradually decreases.
So, between the law of entropy and the attraction of matter, there can be only one that is true.
The motion of the universe is the process of energy or thermal equilibrium in the background matter. The inequality has been inducing fluctuations, with the purpose of balancing the thermal energy between different regions of the universe.
The heat conduction cannot be done by such a way as in a glass of water, because, in the immense space through which lights must spend billions of years, such an ineffective way would require an infinite time. The wonderful universe has its own, more ‘effective’ way: Hot regions expand, and the cooler ones receive energy at first in the form of kinetic energy . After a cycle of many billions of years, this kinetic energy turns out to be thermal energy. The negative-entropy evolution of visible matter helps the low energy regions to receive energy more equally and more efficiently and enable the process of equilibrium to be complete in a reasonable time.
The heat of the cold regions increases gradually with star shining and successive explosions (novae), matter takes the forms of smaller and smaller particles (in addition to the increase in temperature) to increase the repulsive force to fight against the increasing compressive force with increasing mass (the repulsive force prevents the formation of a singularity) until the last explosions : The quasar tsunamis (the victory at last belongs to the repulsive force). Each AGN is virtually a big crunch and big bounce. That is a possible new source of dark energy and a new cycle begins. What has been contracted, now begins to expand and what has expanded now begins to be contracted. The cycles of the universe are of smaller and smaller amplitudes. When the entropy attains the highest possible value and there is no energy exchange with other parts of the universe, that means, the process of equilibrium is complete, there is no more useful energy (heat death), All motion in the universe will stop. There is no more fundamental forces, no more ordinary matter. Time, measuring the velocity of the equilibrium process, will also stop. But the energy of the universe in invisible matter is conserved, Space, the home of invisible matter, still exists. The universe is in a state of standstill until the next energy exchange with other universes.
Each cycle may last many billions of years and no one know how many cycles there have been. The origin of the universe seemed to be much more mysterious than a big bang and the history of the universe seems to be much longer than 14 billion years.
The compressive forces ( G constant) are not the same everywhere and at all time, it depends on the dimentions of the nearby bubbles,and in the bright matter wall, it is stronger at the outside than the inside, and in a galaxy it is stronger at the outskirk than in the centrum (the same as a cyclone on earth).
The truth is universal. The law of entropy is the law of the universe. The fundamental characteristic of matter is “repelling each other”. It is academically described as the “law of entropy”.
According to the structure and characteristic angular momentum of the object, the compressive force is mistakenly called by various names, and attributed to various visible particles (Scientists want to interpret the world with only five percent matter of the universe, indeed, they are looking for a visible "graviton" to explain the gravitation force). In a nucleus, it is the so-called the strong nuclear force. At the level of an atom, it is called the electromagnetic force, making molecules, gas and dust, and at the macroscopic world, it is called the gravitation force, forming celestial bodies and cosmic structures. That is the first stage of the negative entropy evolution in the low energy areas of the universe. All forces governing the motion of the universe have their origin in dark matter, the unconscious of the universe. (The unconscious of a human being is a fraction of the unconscious of the universe. Human beings are little parallel universes.)
There are two opposing forces responsible for the formation of bright matter. The first is the repulsive force, the fundamental characteristic of all energetic vibrating particles, its intensity is proportional to the particle temperature, that increases with the evolution of bright matter. It is the foundation of the law of entropy as well as the probabilistic nature of all particles (uncertainty). It prevents electrons from falling into the nucleus, it causes radiation, including alpha decay and beta decay ( the so-called weak nuclear force).
The second force is the compressive force, exists only in the contracted regions of dark matter. It is responsible for the sustained existence of bright matter, such as to supply energy for electrons to continue vibrating in their atomic orbitals. The compressive force creates the guiding potential waves and makes the fate of a particle more deterministic (no superposition), it predominates all the way of the negative-entropy evolution, but in the last battle ( the quasars) the victory belongs the repulsive force. The Angel finally defeats the Devil.
The equilibrium of the two opposing forces enables the energy of an electron can increase or decrease by receiving or loosing only one active background particle at a time (quantum). Accordingly, the guiding potential waves are also quantized. Instead of "quantum gravity", there is only quantum potential. The unit of quatization is the energy of an active background particle, that can be of various levels, depends on it is a photon or a unit ingredient of various visible particles. Photon and visible matter are of the same material.
The repulsive force, caused by the vibration of particles, is acting only at a short distance, principally, at the sub-atomic and atomic levels, The compressive force also increases proportionately in these areas.( action and reaction). The speed of light in glass is decreased (phenomenon of refraction), because at the subatomic and atomic distance inside the glass, the potential waves are of strongest intensity
With the action of measurement, the position of a particle is determined. Its vibrating repulsive force decreases to a minimum level. The compressive potential wave is also proportionally decreased ( The so-called wave function collapse).
Just the same as in case of gravitational force, electron and proton do not attract each other but they are compressed towards each other by stronger potential waves, resulting in the formation of an atom. With specific structures and characteristic angular momentum, they are named negative and positive electric charges. The potential waves of particles inside a nucleus are much stronger, because at this distance, the repulsive force is of the strongest intensity., so is the compressive force.
In an experiment, temperature was artificially reduced to near absolute zero, that means, the repulsive force was considerably reduced, a bosenova explosion (tiny supernova explosion) took place.
If the temperature can be raised to the highest possible degree, that means, the repulsive force will increase tremendously, a tiny quasar (a tiny big bang) will happen. When does a celestial body come to a universe explosion? It depends on its "mass" and its temperature.
The repulsive force and the compressing force are two sides ( cause and effect) of the same entity: The law of entropy, the law of everything. Scientists are too busy with the gravitation force to realize that they have already discovered the theory of everything.
The four fundamental forces have invisible origin, and are certainly not the result of any visible particle. They are fundamental only for the negative-entropy evolution. To maintain their activity, they need continuous supply of energy from the compressive power that is present in the contracted regions of dark matter. The compressive force is the grand unifying theory but it is not the theory of everything. The negative-entropy evolution is only a local and transitory stage in the process of increasing the value of entropy of the whole universe. It is the law of entropy that is the theory of everything.
The study of the three fundamental forces (electromagnetic, strong and weak) is helpful to understanding the negative-entropy evolution and to technological invention, but has little to do with a unified theory concerning the motion of the whole universe.
Because of misunderstanding the nature of the gravitation phenomenon, it is assumed that when the quantity of matter of a star surmounts a certain limit, it would collapse into itself and becomes a “black hole”, because nothing (neither light) can escape from it.
Black hole and Big bang are two prominent features in the golden age of the bright matter era. Man talks enthusiastically about black holes. Somebody thinks about black holes with an ambiguous feeling of anxiety. Recently, a huge accelerator was unveiled in Europe, one reporter of BBC has interviewed a scientist whether, in the process of experiment, there would be a black hole and our planet would disappear!
The theory of Big Bang was suggested by the red-shift of light rays from various galaxies and it is asserted that it was confirmed by the detection of cosmic microwave background (CMB).
In physics, there is a phenomenon called Doppler’s effect. If a wave-emitting object is approaching an observer, the recorded frequency increases. And if it is receding, the frequency decreases. A man, standing beside a road while a motorbike is passing by, will perceive a sudden change in the tone of the sound because there is a sudden dropping of the frequency heard.
Light rays turn out to be blue (blue-shift) if the object is approaching at a considerable velocity (the recorded frequency increases),and red, if the object is receding (the recorded frequency decreases). The latter is called red-shift.
Astronomers have discovered the red-shifts in the spectrum of light rays from the majority of galaxies in the outer space. And the father away a galaxy is, the greater the red-shift in its spectrum.
On the assumption that the space is empty, the red-shift could not be explained other than the result of expansion of the universe (all galaxies are moving apart from each other). Consequently, scientists concluded that at a certain time in the past, the whole universe was concentrated in one place. It is asserted that 14 billion years ago, all the mass and energy of the universe had been concentrated in a point that is smaller than an atom; thereafter, a “big bang” took place.
For the time being, most of people in the world believe in that. The attitude of skepticism, that has once promoted progresses in science, seems to prevail no longer. The Vatican advised scientists against studying the very beginning of the universe, because that was the time for the creative act of God, whereas scientists were fairly elated because they have revenged the injustice that Galilee had been subjected to.
If the space is not empty, there will be another explanation: A fraction of light energy is absorbed by the medium for transmission, and the frequency of light decreases. This is the reason for the tiredness of lights (The red-shift is mostly caused by the loss of light energy). Light waves from a more distant star have a larger red-shift merely because they have traveled a longer distance.
It is now assumed that clusters are the largest gravitationally bound systems in the universe, everything larger (superclusters) is being stretched by cosmic expansion. In fact, there were already evidences that superclusters are also "gravitationally" bound.
In 1976, Vera Rubin, Norbert Thonnard, and W. Kent Ford collected data on 96 spiral galaxies beyond Virgo and found that they all appear to be flying toward Perseus at nearly 500 Km/s. The big name astronomer, Fred Hoyle, welcomed “the Rubin-Ford anomaly” as potentially undermining the big bang theory. However, most astronomers ignored the finding.
Rubin said: “I never really doubted that our sample showed what it did. Astronomy is still an observational science. We‘re in for a lot of surprises, and you don’t detect them except by observing”. But she added: “Even the relatively nearby universe is complicated, and very simple models of uniform expansion may have to be modified.”
A year later, George Smoot, Marc Gorenstein, and Richard Muller announced that high-altitude observations, which were conducted from a U-2 aircraft, had detected the cosmic microwave background anisotropy, the hot spot indicating that the Local Group is moving rapidly relative to the cosmic reference frame.
The cosmic microwave background (CMB) provides a universal backdrop against which our motion can be charted on an absolute scale (the Machian rest frame of the universe as a whole). There is a hot spot in the CMB caused by our motion in one direction relative to the rest frame of the universe, and a corresponding cold spot on the opposite side of the sky. These reference points can be used to study our motion and, by inference, that of other galaxies.
In 1981, de Vaucouleurs and colleagues published a study of several hundred galaxies indicating that the entire Virgo Supercluster is moving, apart from cosmic expansion, at a rate of nearly 500 Km/s.
In 1985 Sandage and Gustav Tammann found that the Virgo Cluster has a proper motion of over 600 Km/s, toward Hydra.
The following year, a group of seven astronomers known as Seven Samurai led by Alan Dressler found that the Local Group is part of a flotilla of thousands of galaxies that are sliding off side-ways at a velocity of over 630 Km/s in the direction of the constellation Centaurus.
The Centaurus part of the Hydra-Centaurus-Pavo Supercluster lies that way but cannot be responsible, as it, too, evidently is being pulled in the same direction. The Seven Samurai surmised that all the neighboring galaxies are pulled by a large and yet unseen concentration of mass (they have dubbed “The Great Attractor”), that is preliminarily estimated at that of a few hundred thousand galaxies the size of the Milky Way and lies 200 million light-years far from us.
It seemed that no one would have the heart to damage the reputation of the theory of cosmic expansion. It is possible that there is no Great Attractor, but the superclusters are turning around a mutual center, because they are also being gathered together instead of flying apart.
The term “ big bang ” was coined with derisive intent by Fred Hoyle, who asserted that there is no big bang.
Recently, astronomers have discovered the cosmic microwave background (CMB), which is heat radiation of about 2.73 º K, distributes almost homogeneously in all directions in the universe. It is supposed to be the relic of the big bang and helps to confirm the theory of universe expansion.
If the space is not empty, the microwave background is another evidence of the presence of the background matter of the universe.
The background matter of the space is a black body, therefore, there is a close relation between the CMB and the lost energy of light (proportionate to the red-shift). The immortal son of Erebus and Nix has thrice been denied. If the behavior of gods and goddesses on the Olympus has not changed after thousands of years, thereafter, we will witness their retaliation.
As stated above, the cosmic microwave background provides a universal backdrop against which our motion can be charted on an absolute scale.
Our own motion is complex: The earth orbits the sun at a velocity of 30 Km/s, the sun orbits the center of the Milky Way at 220 Km/s, the galaxy traces an orbit in the Local Group, which in turn orbits the Virgo Cluster, and the Virgo Supercluster is moving at a rate of 630 Km/s.
In summary, we know that we are moving at an absolute velocity of over 1,000 Km/s (and need not refer to any reference frame other than the rest frame of the background matter), covering a spiral course in which there is many grades of sinusoidal undulations (resulting from local circular movements), following our way of destination until the end of a cycle in this region of the universe.
Because of moving in the background matter, absolute motion is expected to be subjected to a tiny deceleration.
Besides, the background matter is the cause of the principle of action and reaction. Any force that operates to the world will bring about a corresponding force of the same intensity and opposite direction.
The word “vacuum” comes from the Latin “vacuus” for “empty”, and vacuum is nothingness, an absence of everything.
Aristotle pointed out the logical difficulty that if the vacuum is nothing, how can it be said to exist? To argue that the void exists, while also arguing that the void is nothing, is to make the contradictory claim that there exists something which does not exist. How can the universe exist, if it is in a vacuum that we define as nonexistent?
The concept of plenum was brought about to solve the dilemma. Plenum, opposed to the concept of vacuum, means the space filled with matter.
It seems that no one has the exclusive right to answer these questions. Therefore, there are many explanations from mythology, philosophy, religion, science and even poets and writers. First of all, however, let’s review what has been described under observations of astronomers.
There are seven levels of structure in the universe: star systems (such as solar system), galaxies, groups (of galaxies), clusters, clouds, superclusters, and supercluster complexes or walls (The negative-entropy evolution of visible existence). The walls enclose voids (cosmic bubbles, with few galaxies to be seen within).
Similarities have been found among these hierarchical structures. For example, superclusters contain groups and clusters of galaxies, like the way that a galaxy contains groups and clusters of stars. Some superclusters are flat in shape, as spiral galaxies are. That suggests there could be a general principle in the formation and the motion of the universe.
Groups are a few million light-years wide and consist of 3 to 6 conspicuous galaxies plus a dozen smaller and dimmer ones. Many of the larger galaxies are found in pairs and some in trios. Many of the smaller galaxies are satellites of the dominant ones.
Clusters measure 10-20 million light-years in diameter and contain hundreds to thousands of galaxies. Clusters are of two forms, irregular clusters that have lots of spiral galaxies and spherical clusters that contain predominantly ellipticals. Clusters are much denser than groups. Groups are only a few times denser than the universe at large, while clusters are at 10 to 20 times the average cosmic density, and at the cluster center the ratio is as high as ten thousands times. The orbital velocities of galaxies in groups are low (100-200 Km/s), while in clusters the velocities are ten times faster, about 1,000 Km/s.
Clouds are associations measuring 30 million light-years in diameter and often linked together in strings called filaments and spurs.
Superclusters measure more than 100 million light-years in diameter and contain about 10,000 galaxies each.
The Milky Way belongs to a group of galaxies known as the Local Group, which contains 26 known galaxies and probably others, hidden behind the dust clouds in the disk. The dominant spiral (the Andromeda M31) paired with the second-ranking spiral (the Milky Way). The third impressive spiral called M33. The rest are inconspicuous dwarf spirals, irregulars, and ellipticals. The Local Group stands toward the outer edge of a large cloud, called the Local or Coma-Sculptor Cloud, which itself lies toward the edge of the Virgo Supercluster.
The Virgo Supercluster contains at least 11 clusters or clouds at its core, and perhaps 50 more in the halo. Its diameter is more than 100 million light-years. Its shape is somewhat flattened and its nucleus is the Virgo Cluster, 60 million light-years from us. The Virgo Cluster is an aggregation of 1,170 prominent galaxies and thousands of dwarf galaxies, centered on a pair of giant elliptical galaxies.
Human beings find themselves on the fringe of things. Not only does the earth not occupy the center of the solar system, and the solar system resides far from the center of the Milky Way, but also the Local Group is situated toward the outer limits of the Virgo Supercluster. Some of us are disappointed because they aren’t in centers of universe structures. But the extreme conditions in these centers are not suitable for life.
The largest known structures are supercluster complexes or walls (such as the Great Wall and the Cetus Wall), that consist of many superclusters connected by bridges or tendrils. They can span a billion light-years in length, (that is more than 5% of the radius of the observable universe), but only a few ten million light-years thick. They form curved walls enclosing vast voids or bubbles that measure from about 300 million to more than one billion light-years, within which galaxies are scarce and superclusters nonexistent.
Dense superclusters are found at points where the walls of several bubbles intersect, and the distribution of bright matter in the universe resembles the structure of a Swiss cheese or a sponge.
It must be that this distinctive feature of the distribution of bright matter is closely related to the development of the early universe, and must be elucidated by any theory that wants to explain everything.
It is possible that the early universe contained only dark matter. Because of the inequality of creation, there were different levels of energy in different regions, and that induced fluctuations in the background matter of the universe, such as fluctuating waves on the surface of the open sea. Dark energy is nothing other than energy of dark matter. High energy regions of dark matter (the so-called dark energy) expand contributing to the formation of the cooling down cosmic bubbles (the expansion of the universe is not uniformly but clumpy, huge cosmic voids are the aggregations of many small voids), low energy regions are contracted ( that causes the red-shift quantization and change with the direction of observation). Possibly there is no change in the space of the whole universe.
In contracted regions, there is compressive power in the form of potential waves that is the common invisible origin of all fundamental forces including "gravity" and supply energy for the negative-entropy evolution of all visible existence including living bodies, that is the local and "transitory" phenomenon in the general process of thermal equilibrium between different regions of dark matter.
Bright matter is the floating part of an iceberg, the submerged is dark matter. Both are made of the same material, only different in the levels of energy. The motion of the floating part naturally depends on that of the submerged.
The formation of bright matter is an intermediate stage in the process of increasing the entropy value of the entire universe.
Entropy is a value to measure the degree of disorder. The law of entropy derives from the second law of thermodynamics. The generalized law of entropy is stated as followed:
In a closed physical system, the degree of disorder increases, and the system attains the state of equilibrium when it reaches the highest possible value of entropy.
For example, if we pour hot and cold water into one glass, the order “hot-cold” will decrease until all molecules of water are of the same temperature, that means, the highest disorder, and the water is in the state of equilibrium. As well as, in a preliminary school, break time, the children play running throughout the schoolyard, and only stand orderly in lines with the interference of teachers.
In summary, the order of a system cannot be preserved if there is no supply of energy . There is no perpetuum mobile, even an atom or the whole universe. It is possible that an atom [quantum or not] must be continuously supplied with energy to maintain its atomic structure.
In spite of its utmost importance, the law of entropy is infrequently referred to, because it seems to have nothing to do with the universal gravitation. It is mentioned only when subjectively needed. When “black holes” were accused of violating the law of entropy (black holes decrease the entropy value of the entire universe), scientists defended themselves that the law entropy would be conserved…at the surface of the black holes. If matter could attracts each other, the order of the system would not decrease, but automatically increases, that means, the value of entropy gradually decreases.
So, between the law of entropy and the attraction of matter, there can be only one that is true.
The motion of the universe is the process of energy or thermal equilibrium in the background matter. The inequality has been inducing fluctuations, with the purpose of balancing the thermal energy between different regions of the universe.
The heat conduction cannot be done by such a way as in a glass of water, because, in the immense space through which lights must spend billions of years, such an ineffective way would require an infinite time. The wonderful universe has its own, more ‘effective’ way: Hot regions expand, and the cooler ones receive energy at first in the form of kinetic energy . After a cycle of many billions of years, this kinetic energy turns out to be thermal energy. The negative-entropy evolution of visible matter helps the low energy regions to receive energy more equally and more efficiently and enable the process of equilibrium to be complete in a reasonable time.
The heat of the cold regions increases gradually with star shining and successive explosions (novae), matter takes the forms of smaller and smaller particles (in addition to the increase in temperature) to increase the repulsive force to fight against the increasing compressive force with increasing mass (the repulsive force prevents the formation of a singularity) until the last explosions : The quasar tsunamis (the victory at last belongs to the repulsive force). Each AGN is virtually a big crunch and big bounce. That is a possible new source of dark energy and a new cycle begins. What has been contracted, now begins to expand and what has expanded now begins to be contracted. The cycles of the universe are of smaller and smaller amplitudes. When the entropy attains the highest possible value and there is no energy exchange with other parts of the universe, that means, the process of equilibrium is complete, there is no more useful energy (heat death), All motion in the universe will stop. There is no more fundamental forces, no more ordinary matter. Time, measuring the velocity of the equilibrium process, will also stop. But the energy of the universe in invisible matter is conserved, Space, the home of invisible matter, still exists. The universe is in a state of standstill until the next energy exchange with other universes.
Each cycle may last many billions of years and no one know how many cycles there have been. The origin of the universe seemed to be much more mysterious than a big bang and the history of the universe seems to be much longer than 14 billion years.
The compressive forces ( G constant) are not the same everywhere and at all time, it depends on the dimentions of the nearby bubbles,and in the bright matter wall, it is stronger at the outside than the inside, and in a galaxy it is stronger at the outskirk than in the centrum (the same as a cyclone on earth).
The truth is universal. The law of entropy is the law of the universe. The fundamental characteristic of matter is “repelling each other”. It is academically described as the “law of entropy”.
According to the structure and characteristic angular momentum of the object, the compressive force is mistakenly called by various names, and attributed to various visible particles (Scientists want to interpret the world with only five percent matter of the universe, indeed, they are looking for a visible "graviton" to explain the gravitation force). In a nucleus, it is the so-called the strong nuclear force. At the level of an atom, it is called the electromagnetic force, making molecules, gas and dust, and at the macroscopic world, it is called the gravitation force, forming celestial bodies and cosmic structures. That is the first stage of the negative entropy evolution in the low energy areas of the universe. All forces governing the motion of the universe have their origin in dark matter, the unconscious of the universe. (The unconscious of a human being is a fraction of the unconscious of the universe. Human beings are little parallel universes.)
There are two opposing forces responsible for the formation of bright matter. The first is the repulsive force, the fundamental characteristic of all energetic vibrating particles, its intensity is proportional to the particle temperature, that increases with the evolution of bright matter. It is the foundation of the law of entropy as well as the probabilistic nature of all particles (uncertainty). It prevents electrons from falling into the nucleus, it causes radiation, including alpha decay and beta decay ( the so-called weak nuclear force).
The second force is the compressive force, exists only in the contracted regions of dark matter. It is responsible for the sustained existence of bright matter, such as to supply energy for electrons to continue vibrating in their atomic orbitals. The compressive force creates the guiding potential waves and makes the fate of a particle more deterministic (no superposition), it predominates all the way of the negative-entropy evolution, but in the last battle ( the quasars) the victory belongs the repulsive force. The Angel finally defeats the Devil.
The equilibrium of the two opposing forces enables the energy of an electron can increase or decrease by receiving or loosing only one active background particle at a time (quantum). Accordingly, the guiding potential waves are also quantized. Instead of "quantum gravity", there is only quantum potential. The unit of quatization is the energy of an active background particle, that can be of various levels, depends on it is a photon or a unit ingredient of various visible particles. Photon and visible matter are of the same material.
The repulsive force, caused by the vibration of particles, is acting only at a short distance, principally, at the sub-atomic and atomic levels, The compressive force also increases proportionately in these areas.( action and reaction). The speed of light in glass is decreased (phenomenon of refraction), because at the subatomic and atomic distance inside the glass, the potential waves are of strongest intensity
With the action of measurement, the position of a particle is determined. Its vibrating repulsive force decreases to a minimum level. The compressive potential wave is also proportionally decreased ( The so-called wave function collapse).
Just the same as in case of gravitational force, electron and proton do not attract each other but they are compressed towards each other by stronger potential waves, resulting in the formation of an atom. With specific structures and characteristic angular momentum, they are named negative and positive electric charges. The potential waves of particles inside a nucleus are much stronger, because at this distance, the repulsive force is of the strongest intensity., so is the compressive force.
In an experiment, temperature was artificially reduced to near absolute zero, that means, the repulsive force was considerably reduced, a bosenova explosion (tiny supernova explosion) took place.
If the temperature can be raised to the highest possible degree, that means, the repulsive force will increase tremendously, a tiny quasar (a tiny big bang) will happen. When does a celestial body come to a universe explosion? It depends on its "mass" and its temperature.
The repulsive force and the compressing force are two sides ( cause and effect) of the same entity: The law of entropy, the law of everything. Scientists are too busy with the gravitation force to realize that they have already discovered the theory of everything.
The four fundamental forces have invisible origin, and are certainly not the result of any visible particle. They are fundamental only for the negative-entropy evolution. To maintain their activity, they need continuous supply of energy from the compressive power that is present in the contracted regions of dark matter. The compressive force is the grand unifying theory but it is not the theory of everything. The negative-entropy evolution is only a local and transitory stage in the process of increasing the value of entropy of the whole universe. It is the law of entropy that is the theory of everything.
The study of the three fundamental forces (electromagnetic, strong and weak) is helpful to understanding the negative-entropy evolution and to technological invention, but has little to do with a unified theory concerning the motion of the whole universe.
Because of misunderstanding the nature of the gravitation phenomenon, it is assumed that when the quantity of matter of a star surmounts a certain limit, it would collapse into itself and becomes a “black hole”, because nothing (neither light) can escape from it.
Black hole and Big bang are two prominent features in the golden age of the bright matter era. Man talks enthusiastically about black holes. Somebody thinks about black holes with an ambiguous feeling of anxiety. Recently, a huge accelerator was unveiled in Europe, one reporter of BBC has interviewed a scientist whether, in the process of experiment, there would be a black hole and our planet would disappear!
The theory of Big Bang was suggested by the red-shift of light rays from various galaxies and it is asserted that it was confirmed by the detection of cosmic microwave background (CMB).
In physics, there is a phenomenon called Doppler’s effect. If a wave-emitting object is approaching an observer, the recorded frequency increases. And if it is receding, the frequency decreases. A man, standing beside a road while a motorbike is passing by, will perceive a sudden change in the tone of the sound because there is a sudden dropping of the frequency heard.
Light rays turn out to be blue (blue-shift) if the object is approaching at a considerable velocity (the recorded frequency increases),and red, if the object is receding (the recorded frequency decreases). The latter is called red-shift.
Astronomers have discovered the red-shifts in the spectrum of light rays from the majority of galaxies in the outer space. And the father away a galaxy is, the greater the red-shift in its spectrum.
On the assumption that the space is empty, the red-shift could not be explained other than the result of expansion of the universe (all galaxies are moving apart from each other). Consequently, scientists concluded that at a certain time in the past, the whole universe was concentrated in one place. It is asserted that 14 billion years ago, all the mass and energy of the universe had been concentrated in a point that is smaller than an atom; thereafter, a “big bang” took place.
For the time being, most of people in the world believe in that. The attitude of skepticism, that has once promoted progresses in science, seems to prevail no longer. The Vatican advised scientists against studying the very beginning of the universe, because that was the time for the creative act of God, whereas scientists were fairly elated because they have revenged the injustice that Galilee had been subjected to.
If the space is not empty, there will be another explanation: A fraction of light energy is absorbed by the medium for transmission, and the frequency of light decreases. This is the reason for the tiredness of lights (The red-shift is mostly caused by the loss of light energy). Light waves from a more distant star have a larger red-shift merely because they have traveled a longer distance.
It is now assumed that clusters are the largest gravitationally bound systems in the universe, everything larger (superclusters) is being stretched by cosmic expansion. In fact, there were already evidences that superclusters are also "gravitationally" bound.
In 1976, Vera Rubin, Norbert Thonnard, and W. Kent Ford collected data on 96 spiral galaxies beyond Virgo and found that they all appear to be flying toward Perseus at nearly 500 Km/s. The big name astronomer, Fred Hoyle, welcomed “the Rubin-Ford anomaly” as potentially undermining the big bang theory. However, most astronomers ignored the finding.
Rubin said: “I never really doubted that our sample showed what it did. Astronomy is still an observational science. We‘re in for a lot of surprises, and you don’t detect them except by observing”. But she added: “Even the relatively nearby universe is complicated, and very simple models of uniform expansion may have to be modified.”
A year later, George Smoot, Marc Gorenstein, and Richard Muller announced that high-altitude observations, which were conducted from a U-2 aircraft, had detected the cosmic microwave background anisotropy, the hot spot indicating that the Local Group is moving rapidly relative to the cosmic reference frame.
The cosmic microwave background (CMB) provides a universal backdrop against which our motion can be charted on an absolute scale (the Machian rest frame of the universe as a whole). There is a hot spot in the CMB caused by our motion in one direction relative to the rest frame of the universe, and a corresponding cold spot on the opposite side of the sky. These reference points can be used to study our motion and, by inference, that of other galaxies.
In 1981, de Vaucouleurs and colleagues published a study of several hundred galaxies indicating that the entire Virgo Supercluster is moving, apart from cosmic expansion, at a rate of nearly 500 Km/s.
In 1985 Sandage and Gustav Tammann found that the Virgo Cluster has a proper motion of over 600 Km/s, toward Hydra.
The following year, a group of seven astronomers known as Seven Samurai led by Alan Dressler found that the Local Group is part of a flotilla of thousands of galaxies that are sliding off side-ways at a velocity of over 630 Km/s in the direction of the constellation Centaurus.
The Centaurus part of the Hydra-Centaurus-Pavo Supercluster lies that way but cannot be responsible, as it, too, evidently is being pulled in the same direction. The Seven Samurai surmised that all the neighboring galaxies are pulled by a large and yet unseen concentration of mass (they have dubbed “The Great Attractor”), that is preliminarily estimated at that of a few hundred thousand galaxies the size of the Milky Way and lies 200 million light-years far from us.
It seemed that no one would have the heart to damage the reputation of the theory of cosmic expansion. It is possible that there is no Great Attractor, but the superclusters are turning around a mutual center, because they are also being gathered together instead of flying apart.
The term “ big bang ” was coined with derisive intent by Fred Hoyle, who asserted that there is no big bang.
Recently, astronomers have discovered the cosmic microwave background (CMB), which is heat radiation of about 2.73 º K, distributes almost homogeneously in all directions in the universe. It is supposed to be the relic of the big bang and helps to confirm the theory of universe expansion.
If the space is not empty, the microwave background is another evidence of the presence of the background matter of the universe.
The background matter of the space is a black body, therefore, there is a close relation between the CMB and the lost energy of light (proportionate to the red-shift). The immortal son of Erebus and Nix has thrice been denied. If the behavior of gods and goddesses on the Olympus has not changed after thousands of years, thereafter, we will witness their retaliation.
As stated above, the cosmic microwave background provides a universal backdrop against which our motion can be charted on an absolute scale.
Our own motion is complex: The earth orbits the sun at a velocity of 30 Km/s, the sun orbits the center of the Milky Way at 220 Km/s, the galaxy traces an orbit in the Local Group, which in turn orbits the Virgo Cluster, and the Virgo Supercluster is moving at a rate of 630 Km/s.
In summary, we know that we are moving at an absolute velocity of over 1,000 Km/s (and need not refer to any reference frame other than the rest frame of the background matter), covering a spiral course in which there is many grades of sinusoidal undulations (resulting from local circular movements), following our way of destination until the end of a cycle in this region of the universe.
Because of moving in the background matter, absolute motion is expected to be subjected to a tiny deceleration.
Besides, the background matter is the cause of the principle of action and reaction. Any force that operates to the world will bring about a corresponding force of the same intensity and opposite direction.
The word “vacuum” comes from the Latin “vacuus” for “empty”, and vacuum is nothingness, an absence of everything.
Aristotle pointed out the logical difficulty that if the vacuum is nothing, how can it be said to exist? To argue that the void exists, while also arguing that the void is nothing, is to make the contradictory claim that there exists something which does not exist. How can the universe exist, if it is in a vacuum that we define as nonexistent?
The concept of plenum was brought about to solve the dilemma. Plenum, opposed to the concept of vacuum, means the space filled with matter.
The negative-entropy evolution is a local phenomenon.
Where do we come from? Where are we going? The phenomenon of life, the ontogenesis of living bodies until the present time remains a mystery. Science pertaining life never advances beyond the boundary of description. It evades the causes, or assumes that life generally is a consequence of successive chances in the process of a certain necessity.
This is a fierce battle between religion and science. Both are claiming victory. Perhaps they all are right. But, as for science, scientists must identify what is the necessity of life, because no matter how eloquent they are, it cannot be convinced that life is a consequence of chances (if only by chance, the universe would not have enough time to make even a protein). And even when the necessity is determined, science still cannot define the First Cause.
As stated above, in the proceeding of increasing the entropy value of the entire universe, there are intermediate stages in which the order of matter in the “cold” regions increases, because its constituents are pushed toward each other by the expansion of hot regions.
The negative-entropy evolution is the process of continuously increasing order, lasting billions of years until the end of a half cycle. That is the local and "transitory" phenomenon in the general process of thermal equilibrium between different regions of dark matter. Visible particles are gathered to make up the first orders, the atoms, then the formation of celestial bodies, cosmic structures such as solar systems, galaxies, clusters of galaxies, superclusters and giant cosmic structures (superclusters complexes).
The evolution of bright matter follows two stages. Beside atoms are gathered together to make the macroscopic increasing order of star systems and galaxies (predominantly quantitative), atoms also combine together to make up compounds (predominantly qualitative). The latter is the way to life. In many ways, life on earth and the geological processes that midwifed it are part of cosmic evolution.
At first, inorganic compounds appeared, and then organic substances came into being. The adventure to life was accelerated with the appearance of lipid compounds, because of their hydrophobic characteristic. In a mixture of water and lipid, they are always separated from each other, and the order lipid-water is always preserved. Then, the first cellular membrane was formed.
The cell membrane also called plasma membrane, is a thin, elastic structure only 7.5 to 10 nanometers thick. It is composed mostly phospholipids and glycoproteins. Its basic structure is a lipid bilayer, which is a thin, double-layered film of lipids, each layer only one molecule thick.
The basic lipid layer is composed of phospholipid molecules. One end of each phospholipid molecule (the phosphate end) is soluble in water, that is hydrophilic. The other end (the fatty acid) is soluble only in fats, that is hydrophobic.
Because the hydrophobic portions of the phospholipid molecule are repelled by water but are mutually attracted to one another, they have a natural tendency to attach to one another in the middle of the membrane. The hydrophilic phosphate portions then constitute the two surfaces of the complete cell membrane, in contact with intracellular water on the inside of the membrane and extracellular water on the outside surface.
The lipid layer in the middle of the membrane is impermeable to the usual water-soluble substances, such as ions and urea. Conversely, fat-soluble substances, such as oxygen, carbon dioxide and alcohol, can penetrate this portion of the membrane with ease.
The cholesterol molecules in the membrane are also lipid in nature. They mainly help determine the degree of impermeability of the bilayer to water-soluble constituents of body fluids. In summary, lipid compounds have a decisive role in the formation of cell membrane.
Life began with the formation of cell membrane (the first order of life is the difference between intracellular and extracellular environments), and all forms of life are assumed to be the result of the spreading of this membrane. For 2 billion years bacterial organisms were the only forms of life.
The phenomenon of life was again much accelerated when cells acquired structures that can absorb light energy. Photosynthesis is the most important single step in the history of life and it was invented at first by bacteria. Cyanobacteria created poisonous oxygen as a by-product and the new oxygen-using organisms made the next level of evolution. The world had its first ecosystem : Life became complex and created 2 types of organism [Those that provide oxygen and those that take it in].
It took a billion years or so for the new cells known as eukaryotes learned to form together into complex multicellular beings. The appearance thereafter of organisms that can themselves seek energy from other organisms was an advanced important step.
The law entropy said that any increasing order requires supply of energy. The increasing order of the bright matter as well as the evolution of life is supported by the expansion of high-energy regions, in the proceeding of increasing entropy of the entire universe. So, life is a necessary consequence. There was already evidence for that necessity.
Recently, in the field of molecular biology, there was a discovery that is as great as that of dark matter in astronomy.
That is the neutral mutations. “Neutral”, because they are neither advantageous nor harmful. Mutations purport to happen by chances, but neutral mutations happen regularly and punctually. Scientists use the concept of “molecular clock” to describe this phenomenon.
In 1968, Japanese geneticist Motoo Kimura suggested a theory that: The majority of mutations in the process of evolution of living bodies are unnoticed and neutral to the natural selection.
Mutations are hereditary, because the changes take place in DNA (chromosomes). DNA is responsible for the synthesis of proteins that are chains of amino acids. Two protein molecules, completely examined, are hemoglobin and myoglobin.
Most of the hemoglobin in the red cells exists as a tetramer of two alpha chains, each with 141 amino acids, and two β chains, each with 146 amino acids. Imbedded in each globulin chain is one heme molecule. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are carried by the iron of the heme. The function of hemoglobin has never changed since 400 million years ago, that is to carry O2 from the lungs to tissues and CO2 from tissues to the lungs.
Although the spatial structure and function of the hemoglobin do not change, but there are considerable difference in the amino acid sequences of hemoglobin molecules from various species. Combined with fossil evidences, it is concluded that: The earlier the species from a common ancestor separated, the more the differences in the amino acids sequences.
Especially, the rate of molecular changes is surprisingly constant. As for the alpha chain of the hemoglobin molecule, the rate is 7 million years for one amino acid.
For example, the common ancestor of man, horse and mouse, as proved by fossil findings, has lived on this planet 70 million years ago. Consequently, there would be a difference of about 10 amino acids in one alpha chain. And in 2 alpha chains there would be an exchange of about 20 amino acids. Actually, there is 18 amino acids difference between man and horse, and 22 amino acids between horse and mouse.
Based on this characteristic, scientists, after analyzing the structures of protein molecules, can reconstruct exactly parts of the evolution. For example, it had been assumed that the common ancestor of the bacteria Escherichia Coli and Salmonella Typhimurium may have lived from 10,000 to 100,000,000 years ago. The study of their proteins revealed that their ancestor existed about 140,000,000 years ago. The results of molecular biology compensate the shortage of fossil evidences.
Although the rate of molecular changes is almost the same, the anatomic development is not the same for all species. For example, frogs have no remarkable change in appearance since 90 million years, although their rate of neutral mutations is as high as that in other species.
It is possible that the anatomic conversion depends on the structure of a species and takes place only when the specific amount of molecular changes is achieved, which is similar to what described in the concept of quantum in physics. The anatomic evolution naturally conforms to the changing environment. Aliens certainly don’t have the same qualities as lives on earth. Life at submarine volcano is not based on solar energy. The bacteria there use sulfur compounds, particularly hydrogen sulfide, a chemical highly toxic to most known organisms, to produce organic material through the process of chemosynthesis. Hydrothermal vent field is the primary source of energy.
With the supply of energy, mutations are principally not random, but are determined in conformity with the evolution of the environment to assure the increase in order of the whole system. Random mutations are mostly harmful, result in chaos, the increase in order turns out to be increase in disorder, there is almost no favourable chance for nature to select, evolution would be impossible.
In summary, the evolution of life as well as that of the universe is a natural process, and certainly is not a result of anyone's "struggle". Life has been being naturally evolved.
Life as well as evolution is a result of a necessity, but that is merely of an intermediate stage, and it seems that life is not the final aim of the universe. An important question about the phenomenon of life is that: Does the creator produce more and more perfect creatures?
The answer is:
- Yes, they must be more and more perfect so that they can be in accordance with the increasing order in this region of the universe.
- No, because the increasing order is of an intermediate period. And not only a human life but also the life-span of the whole bright matter of the universe are ‘transitory’.
This is a fierce battle between religion and science. Both are claiming victory. Perhaps they all are right. But, as for science, scientists must identify what is the necessity of life, because no matter how eloquent they are, it cannot be convinced that life is a consequence of chances (if only by chance, the universe would not have enough time to make even a protein). And even when the necessity is determined, science still cannot define the First Cause.
As stated above, in the proceeding of increasing the entropy value of the entire universe, there are intermediate stages in which the order of matter in the “cold” regions increases, because its constituents are pushed toward each other by the expansion of hot regions.
The negative-entropy evolution is the process of continuously increasing order, lasting billions of years until the end of a half cycle. That is the local and "transitory" phenomenon in the general process of thermal equilibrium between different regions of dark matter. Visible particles are gathered to make up the first orders, the atoms, then the formation of celestial bodies, cosmic structures such as solar systems, galaxies, clusters of galaxies, superclusters and giant cosmic structures (superclusters complexes).
The evolution of bright matter follows two stages. Beside atoms are gathered together to make the macroscopic increasing order of star systems and galaxies (predominantly quantitative), atoms also combine together to make up compounds (predominantly qualitative). The latter is the way to life. In many ways, life on earth and the geological processes that midwifed it are part of cosmic evolution.
At first, inorganic compounds appeared, and then organic substances came into being. The adventure to life was accelerated with the appearance of lipid compounds, because of their hydrophobic characteristic. In a mixture of water and lipid, they are always separated from each other, and the order lipid-water is always preserved. Then, the first cellular membrane was formed.
The cell membrane also called plasma membrane, is a thin, elastic structure only 7.5 to 10 nanometers thick. It is composed mostly phospholipids and glycoproteins. Its basic structure is a lipid bilayer, which is a thin, double-layered film of lipids, each layer only one molecule thick.
The basic lipid layer is composed of phospholipid molecules. One end of each phospholipid molecule (the phosphate end) is soluble in water, that is hydrophilic. The other end (the fatty acid) is soluble only in fats, that is hydrophobic.
Because the hydrophobic portions of the phospholipid molecule are repelled by water but are mutually attracted to one another, they have a natural tendency to attach to one another in the middle of the membrane. The hydrophilic phosphate portions then constitute the two surfaces of the complete cell membrane, in contact with intracellular water on the inside of the membrane and extracellular water on the outside surface.
The lipid layer in the middle of the membrane is impermeable to the usual water-soluble substances, such as ions and urea. Conversely, fat-soluble substances, such as oxygen, carbon dioxide and alcohol, can penetrate this portion of the membrane with ease.
The cholesterol molecules in the membrane are also lipid in nature. They mainly help determine the degree of impermeability of the bilayer to water-soluble constituents of body fluids. In summary, lipid compounds have a decisive role in the formation of cell membrane.
Life began with the formation of cell membrane (the first order of life is the difference between intracellular and extracellular environments), and all forms of life are assumed to be the result of the spreading of this membrane. For 2 billion years bacterial organisms were the only forms of life.
The phenomenon of life was again much accelerated when cells acquired structures that can absorb light energy. Photosynthesis is the most important single step in the history of life and it was invented at first by bacteria. Cyanobacteria created poisonous oxygen as a by-product and the new oxygen-using organisms made the next level of evolution. The world had its first ecosystem : Life became complex and created 2 types of organism [Those that provide oxygen and those that take it in].
It took a billion years or so for the new cells known as eukaryotes learned to form together into complex multicellular beings. The appearance thereafter of organisms that can themselves seek energy from other organisms was an advanced important step.
The law entropy said that any increasing order requires supply of energy. The increasing order of the bright matter as well as the evolution of life is supported by the expansion of high-energy regions, in the proceeding of increasing entropy of the entire universe. So, life is a necessary consequence. There was already evidence for that necessity.
Recently, in the field of molecular biology, there was a discovery that is as great as that of dark matter in astronomy.
That is the neutral mutations. “Neutral”, because they are neither advantageous nor harmful. Mutations purport to happen by chances, but neutral mutations happen regularly and punctually. Scientists use the concept of “molecular clock” to describe this phenomenon.
In 1968, Japanese geneticist Motoo Kimura suggested a theory that: The majority of mutations in the process of evolution of living bodies are unnoticed and neutral to the natural selection.
Mutations are hereditary, because the changes take place in DNA (chromosomes). DNA is responsible for the synthesis of proteins that are chains of amino acids. Two protein molecules, completely examined, are hemoglobin and myoglobin.
Most of the hemoglobin in the red cells exists as a tetramer of two alpha chains, each with 141 amino acids, and two β chains, each with 146 amino acids. Imbedded in each globulin chain is one heme molecule. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are carried by the iron of the heme. The function of hemoglobin has never changed since 400 million years ago, that is to carry O2 from the lungs to tissues and CO2 from tissues to the lungs.
Although the spatial structure and function of the hemoglobin do not change, but there are considerable difference in the amino acid sequences of hemoglobin molecules from various species. Combined with fossil evidences, it is concluded that: The earlier the species from a common ancestor separated, the more the differences in the amino acids sequences.
Especially, the rate of molecular changes is surprisingly constant. As for the alpha chain of the hemoglobin molecule, the rate is 7 million years for one amino acid.
For example, the common ancestor of man, horse and mouse, as proved by fossil findings, has lived on this planet 70 million years ago. Consequently, there would be a difference of about 10 amino acids in one alpha chain. And in 2 alpha chains there would be an exchange of about 20 amino acids. Actually, there is 18 amino acids difference between man and horse, and 22 amino acids between horse and mouse.
Based on this characteristic, scientists, after analyzing the structures of protein molecules, can reconstruct exactly parts of the evolution. For example, it had been assumed that the common ancestor of the bacteria Escherichia Coli and Salmonella Typhimurium may have lived from 10,000 to 100,000,000 years ago. The study of their proteins revealed that their ancestor existed about 140,000,000 years ago. The results of molecular biology compensate the shortage of fossil evidences.
Although the rate of molecular changes is almost the same, the anatomic development is not the same for all species. For example, frogs have no remarkable change in appearance since 90 million years, although their rate of neutral mutations is as high as that in other species.
It is possible that the anatomic conversion depends on the structure of a species and takes place only when the specific amount of molecular changes is achieved, which is similar to what described in the concept of quantum in physics. The anatomic evolution naturally conforms to the changing environment. Aliens certainly don’t have the same qualities as lives on earth. Life at submarine volcano is not based on solar energy. The bacteria there use sulfur compounds, particularly hydrogen sulfide, a chemical highly toxic to most known organisms, to produce organic material through the process of chemosynthesis. Hydrothermal vent field is the primary source of energy.
With the supply of energy, mutations are principally not random, but are determined in conformity with the evolution of the environment to assure the increase in order of the whole system. Random mutations are mostly harmful, result in chaos, the increase in order turns out to be increase in disorder, there is almost no favourable chance for nature to select, evolution would be impossible.
In summary, the evolution of life as well as that of the universe is a natural process, and certainly is not a result of anyone's "struggle". Life has been being naturally evolved.
Life as well as evolution is a result of a necessity, but that is merely of an intermediate stage, and it seems that life is not the final aim of the universe. An important question about the phenomenon of life is that: Does the creator produce more and more perfect creatures?
The answer is:
- Yes, they must be more and more perfect so that they can be in accordance with the increasing order in this region of the universe.
- No, because the increasing order is of an intermediate period. And not only a human life but also the life-span of the whole bright matter of the universe are ‘transitory’.
The souls come from the original energy of the universe.
Is there anyone of us who dares think that scientific conclusions are sometimes wrong, but myths say the truth, and laymen sometimes know more than scientists? Is human intuition a real possibility?
Since long long time ago, when mankind has just come into being, most of them believe that a human being consists of two parts. One part is the visible body, the other invisible but as much important (in fact, some of them assert that it is more important). The later is called various mysterious names such as soul, spirit, or psyche.
Scientists always show the attitude of indifference and assert that there is no scientific basis for the assumption.
In Greek mythology, Psyche, the third princess of a kingdom, after undergoing many hardships due to Venus’ jealousy of her beauty, was reunited with Cupid (god of love, son of Venus) and made immortal by Jupiter. She personifies the soul.
As mentioned earlier, every entity comprises two parts: The kinetic energy of visible matter inside and the potential energy of invisible matter outside. Every visible individual combines closely with the invisible matter of the whole universe to make a united entity. Individuals are parallel worlds because of their different potential waves.
The concept of Gestalt assumes that integrated structures have specific properties which can neither be derived from the elements of the whole nor considered simply as the sum of these elements. That is possibly the positive effect of invisible matter. An atom is not simply the sum of its particles.
The same is true for a human body. But because the structure of a person is extremely complicated (it is fairly easy to understand the order of billions stars in a galaxy, but not so easy to perceive the order of billions cells in a body), it is hard to imagine how its combination of potential waves “looks” like. The invisible part (the soul) not only gives birth to every visible particle of the body, but also supplies energy for its daily activity.
Mass and soul are 2 sides of the same entity. Mass is the intensity, whereas soul is the complexity of the total compressive waves. Souls can comunicate with each other in the space to form the "collective unconscious" that can determine the fate of not only a person but also the whole society. Soul is not confined in human body but in outer space, and the energy of soul is conserved.
The discovery of the unconscious by Sigmund Freud (1856–1939, Austrian physician and psychiatrist) is considered as one of the great hours of mankind.
The conscious was once thought to be the principle agency to control all human activities, actually plays a modest role in human behavior. We are aware of our action; that does not mean we understand its real source of motive. The underlying reason comes from somewhere called the unconscious.
There reside all our wishes and repressions, complexes and instincts. It preserves not only memories of a human life but also the history of the whole evolution (Many of manias and phobias have their origin in the earlier forms of life; Human embryos “remember” the gills of their fish ancestors). The unconscious [The guiding wave combination] is naturally also the motive of the present life as well as in the future.
The discovery of the unconscious undermined all theories that based mainly on the human conscious. Freud likened the conscious to the floating part of an iceberg, the unconscious to the submerged (similar to the bright and dark matter). The conflict between the conscious and the unconscious is the source of human sufferings.
Great efforts (including that of science and the purpose of this writing itself) have been being carried on to make the unconscious conscious. That means, to use the reason of human beings to investigate the reason of the universe .
What is the material foundation of the unconscious?
Some parochial notions assume that the unconscious is a sort of subconscious and inhabits the human nervous system.
Carl Gustav Jung (1875 – 1961, Swiss psychologist) has made a breakthrough in the understanding of the human unconscious. Jung discovered that there is mutual communication between individuals of a community, which he called “the collective unconscious”. It contains memories and instincts inherited from earlier of human history.
Alfred Adler (1870-1937) assumed that beside the energy “id” for the instincts of survival, human beings also have the creative power to make them more and more perfect in various social conditions.
The energy of “id” and creative power probably comes from the universe. Biological substances such as hormones are only mediators, not the true causes. Without the energy supply, the particular behaviors as well as the order of life would have rapidly deteriorated.
The proceeding of thermal equilibrium of the entire universe is the source of all phenomena, therefore, the background matter and its potential wave system actually is the soul, the unconscious of the universe (The complex of guiding potential wave combinations), in which the unconscious of an individual is only a tiny fraction. Of course, individuals’ unconscious communicate naturally with each other and with that of the universe. The guiding waves of all visible objects including particles and human beings communicate with each orther (entanglement).
The concepts as the “soul”, the “spirit”, the “psyche” or the “unconscious” relate to the same phenomenon, emanating from the original energy of the universe contained in the invisible matter. The "unconscious" is the most scientific description of the soul.
All living bodies have the same origin, and relate closely to each other not only in the past but also at the present time. They are leaves and branches of the same tree, so there is no problem of struggle for existence, but that of ecological equilibrium and co-existence, that means co-evolution. The dynamic equilibrium of the evolution is the result of the harmonious conflation of the two opposing tendencies: the negative entropy inclination (instinct for survival, sexual love, ambition, progress, ..., selfishness, and wickedness) and the law of entropy (equality, philanthropy, love, charity,..., and death).
The crucial issue is that human beings aren’t yet ready for co-responsibility, because of misunderstanding the nature of the universe and of themselves. Our fate depends on ourselves. It seems that, for a very long time, God no longer interferes in the affairs of this universe. Paradise or hell resides nowhere other than the surface of this planet, and that we live in paradise or hell depends on our behavior.
While spiritualists assert that they have little to do with the visible world, physicists leave almost no space for souls. These extremists break up the world to make oases reserved for themselves (a creation failure?). Consequently, most of people are affected with a sort of split personality. A man inside god’s house has god-like love to everyone, but when outside he occupies himself with struggle, anxiety and scare.
The Almighty didn’t create the universe in two stages (that means, at first the space, and then something in it). At the beginning of the universe, there was enough material to make up bodies and souls. The creator didn’t bring into existence a world of two separate parts. Bodies and spirits are closely related and made of the same material.
Is the soul immutable?
- No. Soul and body are two aspects of an entity, soul as well as body is evolutive.
Is it true that only man has soul?
- Possible. The energy of the potential wave combination of a man has a certain “quantum” more than that of an animal, and is qualified as “soul”.
Is there any relation between soul and the sixth sense?
- A free soul possesses the sixth sense. (Mentioned later)
Has the soul something to do with human conscience?
- The free soul is the universal conscience and intuition. (Mentioned later)
The truth is: simple, absolute (it contains no paradox, relative “truth” is not true), universal (it rules all phenomena from the beginning to the end of the universe, no exception), and, naturally, logical. It must be emphasized that a unified theory not only explains physical phenomena, but also accounts for biological and psychological aspects of the evolution.
Since long long time ago, when mankind has just come into being, most of them believe that a human being consists of two parts. One part is the visible body, the other invisible but as much important (in fact, some of them assert that it is more important). The later is called various mysterious names such as soul, spirit, or psyche.
Scientists always show the attitude of indifference and assert that there is no scientific basis for the assumption.
In Greek mythology, Psyche, the third princess of a kingdom, after undergoing many hardships due to Venus’ jealousy of her beauty, was reunited with Cupid (god of love, son of Venus) and made immortal by Jupiter. She personifies the soul.
As mentioned earlier, every entity comprises two parts: The kinetic energy of visible matter inside and the potential energy of invisible matter outside. Every visible individual combines closely with the invisible matter of the whole universe to make a united entity. Individuals are parallel worlds because of their different potential waves.
The concept of Gestalt assumes that integrated structures have specific properties which can neither be derived from the elements of the whole nor considered simply as the sum of these elements. That is possibly the positive effect of invisible matter. An atom is not simply the sum of its particles.
The same is true for a human body. But because the structure of a person is extremely complicated (it is fairly easy to understand the order of billions stars in a galaxy, but not so easy to perceive the order of billions cells in a body), it is hard to imagine how its combination of potential waves “looks” like. The invisible part (the soul) not only gives birth to every visible particle of the body, but also supplies energy for its daily activity.
Mass and soul are 2 sides of the same entity. Mass is the intensity, whereas soul is the complexity of the total compressive waves. Souls can comunicate with each other in the space to form the "collective unconscious" that can determine the fate of not only a person but also the whole society. Soul is not confined in human body but in outer space, and the energy of soul is conserved.
The discovery of the unconscious by Sigmund Freud (1856–1939, Austrian physician and psychiatrist) is considered as one of the great hours of mankind.
The conscious was once thought to be the principle agency to control all human activities, actually plays a modest role in human behavior. We are aware of our action; that does not mean we understand its real source of motive. The underlying reason comes from somewhere called the unconscious.
There reside all our wishes and repressions, complexes and instincts. It preserves not only memories of a human life but also the history of the whole evolution (Many of manias and phobias have their origin in the earlier forms of life; Human embryos “remember” the gills of their fish ancestors). The unconscious [The guiding wave combination] is naturally also the motive of the present life as well as in the future.
The discovery of the unconscious undermined all theories that based mainly on the human conscious. Freud likened the conscious to the floating part of an iceberg, the unconscious to the submerged (similar to the bright and dark matter). The conflict between the conscious and the unconscious is the source of human sufferings.
Great efforts (including that of science and the purpose of this writing itself) have been being carried on to make the unconscious conscious. That means, to use the reason of human beings to investigate the reason of the universe .
What is the material foundation of the unconscious?
Some parochial notions assume that the unconscious is a sort of subconscious and inhabits the human nervous system.
Carl Gustav Jung (1875 – 1961, Swiss psychologist) has made a breakthrough in the understanding of the human unconscious. Jung discovered that there is mutual communication between individuals of a community, which he called “the collective unconscious”. It contains memories and instincts inherited from earlier of human history.
Alfred Adler (1870-1937) assumed that beside the energy “id” for the instincts of survival, human beings also have the creative power to make them more and more perfect in various social conditions.
The energy of “id” and creative power probably comes from the universe. Biological substances such as hormones are only mediators, not the true causes. Without the energy supply, the particular behaviors as well as the order of life would have rapidly deteriorated.
The proceeding of thermal equilibrium of the entire universe is the source of all phenomena, therefore, the background matter and its potential wave system actually is the soul, the unconscious of the universe (The complex of guiding potential wave combinations), in which the unconscious of an individual is only a tiny fraction. Of course, individuals’ unconscious communicate naturally with each other and with that of the universe. The guiding waves of all visible objects including particles and human beings communicate with each orther (entanglement).
The concepts as the “soul”, the “spirit”, the “psyche” or the “unconscious” relate to the same phenomenon, emanating from the original energy of the universe contained in the invisible matter. The "unconscious" is the most scientific description of the soul.
All living bodies have the same origin, and relate closely to each other not only in the past but also at the present time. They are leaves and branches of the same tree, so there is no problem of struggle for existence, but that of ecological equilibrium and co-existence, that means co-evolution. The dynamic equilibrium of the evolution is the result of the harmonious conflation of the two opposing tendencies: the negative entropy inclination (instinct for survival, sexual love, ambition, progress, ..., selfishness, and wickedness) and the law of entropy (equality, philanthropy, love, charity,..., and death).
The crucial issue is that human beings aren’t yet ready for co-responsibility, because of misunderstanding the nature of the universe and of themselves. Our fate depends on ourselves. It seems that, for a very long time, God no longer interferes in the affairs of this universe. Paradise or hell resides nowhere other than the surface of this planet, and that we live in paradise or hell depends on our behavior.
While spiritualists assert that they have little to do with the visible world, physicists leave almost no space for souls. These extremists break up the world to make oases reserved for themselves (a creation failure?). Consequently, most of people are affected with a sort of split personality. A man inside god’s house has god-like love to everyone, but when outside he occupies himself with struggle, anxiety and scare.
The Almighty didn’t create the universe in two stages (that means, at first the space, and then something in it). At the beginning of the universe, there was enough material to make up bodies and souls. The creator didn’t bring into existence a world of two separate parts. Bodies and spirits are closely related and made of the same material.
Is the soul immutable?
- No. Soul and body are two aspects of an entity, soul as well as body is evolutive.
Is it true that only man has soul?
- Possible. The energy of the potential wave combination of a man has a certain “quantum” more than that of an animal, and is qualified as “soul”.
Is there any relation between soul and the sixth sense?
- A free soul possesses the sixth sense. (Mentioned later)
Has the soul something to do with human conscience?
- The free soul is the universal conscience and intuition. (Mentioned later)
The truth is: simple, absolute (it contains no paradox, relative “truth” is not true), universal (it rules all phenomena from the beginning to the end of the universe, no exception), and, naturally, logical. It must be emphasized that a unified theory not only explains physical phenomena, but also accounts for biological and psychological aspects of the evolution.
Human reason is double-edged.
Only human beings have reason and souls, because their body structures and their combinations of potential energy have a certain “quantum” more than animal. Reason is the ability to think logically and draw inferences or conclusions from facts known or assumed. But it seems that man cannot attain the truth solely by human reason. It depends on the quality of their presumptions.
The inferences are true only if the premise is, and the premise is true when it is consistent with reality. We have never known completely the nature of reality, so we can’t be sure whether the premise is true or false.
On the presumption that there is no invisible matter in the space, it seems that we are on the wrong way and human reason is not approaching the truth. In the crisis of the truth, everyone chooses his own premise, consequently, so many theories were established. And a “truth” at one side of the Pyrenees may be false at the other side. Everyone asserts that his own theory be the most consistent with reality, and eagerly wants others to follow his “truth”.
In Greek mythology, a giant of Attica named Procrustes who seized travelers and tied them to his iron bedstead, after which he either cut off their legs or stretched his victims till they fitted it. Today, there are many “giants” who bring their bedsteads all over the world and want other peoples to fit them.
To punish the giant Procrustes, the hero Theseus has put him on his own bedstead. Actually, he was too long. The hero Theseus was excellent not only in physical strength, but also in intellectual power. In fact, the best way to punish these ignorant “gods” is to let them live in the world that they themselves have invented.
If they assert that there is “struggle for existence”, let them live in a world there exists struggle for existence. If they declare that there is no soul, let them lead their soul-less lives. The result is so miserable.
In case of touching with these worlds, you will realize that they are despairingly living in a hell created by them, themselves. They lie so sincerely that they themselves believe what they said be true. They boast of even virtues that they have never possessed. They do cruelty innocently for their cause to change the world and struggle for existence. Their ambition to be rich and powerful is unlimited and they have no intention to share their havings with anyone, for they are pitifully envious. Their concept of equality doesn’t originate from the universal morality, but from envying. The need of showing off is far more necessary than that of subsistence. And when they cannot show off any more, they begin to envy others’ showing. Then envy feeds hatred and calls for violence.
They unite only in the presence of a common enemy; otherwise, they are ready to fight against each other for “equity”. The value of a man is defined as what they can make use of, and they are ready to change their mind as soon as the man is no longer of any “value”. They regard as enemy anyone who has the intention to compromise their material interests.
Although they always show their brutality to the weak, they easily submit to the stronger, and they are miserably humiliated by their bestower. There is little humanity in their behavior (soul-less behavior). Even the terms they use usually have different meanings and are not infrequently contrary to what usually understood.
In summary, these societies are not suitable for true human beings.
Men are proud of their reason, because they can make products that the nature cannot. They are competing with the Creator for mastering the universe. They can change the world and apparently elude the regulation of nature. They assert that their reason is invincible and also invent a universe. It seems to them that God didn’t create the universe, but on the contrary, their universe has given birth to “gods”.
Maybe men must pay a heavy price for their arrogance. They will be punished, however, by no one other than themselves, that is, they will be victims of their own reason.
The inferences are true only if the premise is, and the premise is true when it is consistent with reality. We have never known completely the nature of reality, so we can’t be sure whether the premise is true or false.
On the presumption that there is no invisible matter in the space, it seems that we are on the wrong way and human reason is not approaching the truth. In the crisis of the truth, everyone chooses his own premise, consequently, so many theories were established. And a “truth” at one side of the Pyrenees may be false at the other side. Everyone asserts that his own theory be the most consistent with reality, and eagerly wants others to follow his “truth”.
In Greek mythology, a giant of Attica named Procrustes who seized travelers and tied them to his iron bedstead, after which he either cut off their legs or stretched his victims till they fitted it. Today, there are many “giants” who bring their bedsteads all over the world and want other peoples to fit them.
To punish the giant Procrustes, the hero Theseus has put him on his own bedstead. Actually, he was too long. The hero Theseus was excellent not only in physical strength, but also in intellectual power. In fact, the best way to punish these ignorant “gods” is to let them live in the world that they themselves have invented.
If they assert that there is “struggle for existence”, let them live in a world there exists struggle for existence. If they declare that there is no soul, let them lead their soul-less lives. The result is so miserable.
In case of touching with these worlds, you will realize that they are despairingly living in a hell created by them, themselves. They lie so sincerely that they themselves believe what they said be true. They boast of even virtues that they have never possessed. They do cruelty innocently for their cause to change the world and struggle for existence. Their ambition to be rich and powerful is unlimited and they have no intention to share their havings with anyone, for they are pitifully envious. Their concept of equality doesn’t originate from the universal morality, but from envying. The need of showing off is far more necessary than that of subsistence. And when they cannot show off any more, they begin to envy others’ showing. Then envy feeds hatred and calls for violence.
They unite only in the presence of a common enemy; otherwise, they are ready to fight against each other for “equity”. The value of a man is defined as what they can make use of, and they are ready to change their mind as soon as the man is no longer of any “value”. They regard as enemy anyone who has the intention to compromise their material interests.
Although they always show their brutality to the weak, they easily submit to the stronger, and they are miserably humiliated by their bestower. There is little humanity in their behavior (soul-less behavior). Even the terms they use usually have different meanings and are not infrequently contrary to what usually understood.
In summary, these societies are not suitable for true human beings.
Men are proud of their reason, because they can make products that the nature cannot. They are competing with the Creator for mastering the universe. They can change the world and apparently elude the regulation of nature. They assert that their reason is invincible and also invent a universe. It seems to them that God didn’t create the universe, but on the contrary, their universe has given birth to “gods”.
Maybe men must pay a heavy price for their arrogance. They will be punished, however, by no one other than themselves, that is, they will be victims of their own reason.
The reason of the universe.
The incompetence of human reason is compensated by the ability, also belonging to human being, called “conscience”.
The conscience is the power to distinguish right from wrong, “good” from “evil”. Whereas man has great trouble in differentiating true from false, it is less difficult for him to tell good from evil. The conscience expresses itself naturally and has little reasoning, because it is the reason of the universe. “Good or evil” is “true or false” on the large scale of the universe. Conscience is the voice of soul, the original power of the universe.
The conscience is the North Star to guide the incompetent reason, it shows you where the truth is, whereas the reason tells you how to approach it. If the result of a good reasoning seems to contrast with the conscience, it is possible that it is based on a wrong premise.
Conscience is a sort of intuition, the perception of the truth with little reasoning. It express naturally because it comes from the unconscious, the universe. Reason and intuition are complementary abilities. Too much confidence in one will minimize the ability of the other.
It is not true that the unconscious has no reason. In fact, it is man who does not realize its reason. The unconscious is the motive of almost all behaviors, if it had had no reason, it would not have made living bodies more and more perfect. The reason of the unconscious is that of the universe that man can understand only when he realizes the real motion of the universe. Indeed, the reason of the universe is far more perfect than human reason. Naturally, its premises are always consistent with reality, because it itself is reality, and its logicalness is impeccable, because it gives birth to human reason.
The conscience exists in every human psyche, but of course, it is insufficiently effective in “soul-less” persons. There have been many barbarous massacres committed by soul-less persons who have absolute confidence in their incompetent reason. They assert arrogantly that they believe only in science, although they know very little about science, and the moral principles based on their knowledge are as monstrous as the criteria of the giant Procrustes.
It seems that persons advocating soul-less life suffer from the conflicts in their own sterilized psyche. When being casually told that they have no soul, they, especially those no longer young, will show their upset, because that is regarded as an insult, anyway. In fact, their souls do exist. However, because of refusing the presence of their own souls, they become soul-less. They are the incarnations of fallen angels.
The behavior of those who believe in souls is more human. Their characters are somewhat contrary to those of soul-less persons. Their flesh may be weak, but the power of their souls is unlimited. They are never subdued by opportunists.
However, the situation of persons with souls is not much better than the soul-less, because they are always recommended as well as dispirited by various organizations of religions. Actually, most of them become soul-lost [mentioned later].
The conscience is the power to distinguish right from wrong, “good” from “evil”. Whereas man has great trouble in differentiating true from false, it is less difficult for him to tell good from evil. The conscience expresses itself naturally and has little reasoning, because it is the reason of the universe. “Good or evil” is “true or false” on the large scale of the universe. Conscience is the voice of soul, the original power of the universe.
The conscience is the North Star to guide the incompetent reason, it shows you where the truth is, whereas the reason tells you how to approach it. If the result of a good reasoning seems to contrast with the conscience, it is possible that it is based on a wrong premise.
Conscience is a sort of intuition, the perception of the truth with little reasoning. It express naturally because it comes from the unconscious, the universe. Reason and intuition are complementary abilities. Too much confidence in one will minimize the ability of the other.
It is not true that the unconscious has no reason. In fact, it is man who does not realize its reason. The unconscious is the motive of almost all behaviors, if it had had no reason, it would not have made living bodies more and more perfect. The reason of the unconscious is that of the universe that man can understand only when he realizes the real motion of the universe. Indeed, the reason of the universe is far more perfect than human reason. Naturally, its premises are always consistent with reality, because it itself is reality, and its logicalness is impeccable, because it gives birth to human reason.
The conscience exists in every human psyche, but of course, it is insufficiently effective in “soul-less” persons. There have been many barbarous massacres committed by soul-less persons who have absolute confidence in their incompetent reason. They assert arrogantly that they believe only in science, although they know very little about science, and the moral principles based on their knowledge are as monstrous as the criteria of the giant Procrustes.
It seems that persons advocating soul-less life suffer from the conflicts in their own sterilized psyche. When being casually told that they have no soul, they, especially those no longer young, will show their upset, because that is regarded as an insult, anyway. In fact, their souls do exist. However, because of refusing the presence of their own souls, they become soul-less. They are the incarnations of fallen angels.
The behavior of those who believe in souls is more human. Their characters are somewhat contrary to those of soul-less persons. Their flesh may be weak, but the power of their souls is unlimited. They are never subdued by opportunists.
However, the situation of persons with souls is not much better than the soul-less, because they are always recommended as well as dispirited by various organizations of religions. Actually, most of them become soul-lost [mentioned later].
True morality is
Absolute equality is the aim of the universe. That is the state of the highest possible value of entropy, in which there is no order. The concepts of equality and philanthropy arise from the principal law of the universe.
However, at that time and in this bright part of the universe, where both God love and marital love are seen to be true, reasonable orders to assure a perfect evolution are comprehensible. Social and economic inequalities are just only if they result in compensating benefits for everyone, and in particular for the least advantaged member of society [the difference principle of John Rawl]. Apparently "perfect" theories that advocate putting an end to exploitation by eliminating all private property, or eradicating all sufferings by extermination of the self eventually fail because they go against the evolution.
Moral behaviors are mainly unconscious in origin and are aimed at conserving life and promote evolution of the society in harmony with the rest of the world. In other words, moral behavior is what goes along with the evolution, the motion of the universe. Human beings are capable of changing the world (the function of God), they are endowed with reason and conscience (God’s characters) to transform their world in harmonizing with the motion of the whole universe. Humanity originates from God’s characters: The law of the universe.
Instinct of reproduction and maternal love are the cornerstones. Even if a pregnant female experiences starvation, her body protects the fetus by giving it almost all of her body resources.
Monogamy, polygamy or only the leaders have the right to reproduce depends on the food resources. Solitary or socially way of living depends on the hostility of the environment. In some places where there is permanent shortage of food, the best foods are reserved for children, and persons, who are older than a certain age, are deserted to perish in the forest or on top of the mountain. All measures are for the survival of their tribe. Sexual intercourse must be restricted to official marriage to be sure that children must be taken care of by both wife and husband. Men have a hostile attitude towards strangers and are ready to kill anyone who trespasses their territory. [Illegal immigration becomes a problem when there is economic crisis]. All these customs are not necessary in societies where the supply of food or social welfare is secured.
Females incline to have sexual intercourse with male strangers, and incest is prohibited to encourage the diversification of gene combinations, that is, to promote evolution.
With the advance in the knowledge about evolution, it is realized that the protection of the whole ecological system is an indispensable part of human ethics, because the ecological equilibrium is the only way to guarantee human existence.
In general, an action is considered right or good if it goes along with the evolution. Man should not only love his “friends” and his fellow-creatures, but also the nature and all other forms of life.
An action or an order is regarded as immoral, if it undermines the ongoing evolution.
Despotism, the legacy of animal societies, is a black hole in human society. It is an irrational and obsolete order, destroying human intellect, hindering development, and drives a society to the brink of extermination. Dictatorship must disguise itself as nationalism, socialism or any public cause. To join a dictatorial organization is to refuse the right to be a human being. Human reason and conscience are superfluous because they are replaced by the orders of the leader.
Unfavorable orders such as the wide gaps between rich and poor (national and international), that are consequences of opportunism, render the world vulnerable to natural regulatory crisis (political and economic) or even wars.
Charitable activity is moral action because it alleviates the sufferings of the unfortunate and stabilize social development. Unfortunately, these good deeds are still unusual, and frequently done by those once were opportunists and lately “disillusioned”.
The prolonged “crisis of the truth” raises the possibility of disturbing the evolution. The ability to distinguish right from wrong seems not to have any earthly value, but the issue of immediate profit is the motive for all activities. Reason and the conscience endowed by nature seem to be superfluous, only in “illusional” minds. To assure his income, man accepts the “truth” that his ruler tells him, and human society is dominated by the overwhelming power of opportunists.
The lack of the effective guiding conscience brings about incompetent morality. In the era of opportunism, “social” morality is the reason of the strong and the adulator. “Right or wrong”, “good or evil” doesn’t matter. The issue is how to gain as much profit and power as possible. “Progress” may be impressive but crisis are inevitable. It is clearly that almost all bad behaviors arise from the “wisdom” of opportunists.
The irrational orders procured by subtle opportunists in capitalism arouse movements of demanding for redistribution of useful materials. The bad paves the way for the worse. There is, consequently, a more violent stage of “struggle for existence”.
Dictatorship in science (pseudoscience) is very subtle but it is the most formidable, because absolute beliefs in wrong "scientific" conclusions can lead human society to the brink of extinction. All scientific conclusions that base on only 5% matter of the universe are not consistent with reality, leave many important questions unanswered, and there is contradiction between laws of physics (the law of gravity and curved spacetime are supposed to be responsible for the increase in order, whereas the law of entropy causes an increase in disoder).
True physics only begins after the nature of 95% dark of the universe is elucidated. True physical laws are never broken down in any circumstance. No galaxy is universe-breaker or should not exist and the quantum will be not so weird.
Morality is not an ornament, but a matter of survival of the whole mankind. It is not a sort of fashion that man may design whatever he wants. To define the universal principles of morality means to find out a way for survival. That is a great challenge to human reason, but it determines whether man is a successful design or not.
However, at that time and in this bright part of the universe, where both God love and marital love are seen to be true, reasonable orders to assure a perfect evolution are comprehensible. Social and economic inequalities are just only if they result in compensating benefits for everyone, and in particular for the least advantaged member of society [the difference principle of John Rawl]. Apparently "perfect" theories that advocate putting an end to exploitation by eliminating all private property, or eradicating all sufferings by extermination of the self eventually fail because they go against the evolution.
Moral behaviors are mainly unconscious in origin and are aimed at conserving life and promote evolution of the society in harmony with the rest of the world. In other words, moral behavior is what goes along with the evolution, the motion of the universe. Human beings are capable of changing the world (the function of God), they are endowed with reason and conscience (God’s characters) to transform their world in harmonizing with the motion of the whole universe. Humanity originates from God’s characters: The law of the universe.
Instinct of reproduction and maternal love are the cornerstones. Even if a pregnant female experiences starvation, her body protects the fetus by giving it almost all of her body resources.
Monogamy, polygamy or only the leaders have the right to reproduce depends on the food resources. Solitary or socially way of living depends on the hostility of the environment. In some places where there is permanent shortage of food, the best foods are reserved for children, and persons, who are older than a certain age, are deserted to perish in the forest or on top of the mountain. All measures are for the survival of their tribe. Sexual intercourse must be restricted to official marriage to be sure that children must be taken care of by both wife and husband. Men have a hostile attitude towards strangers and are ready to kill anyone who trespasses their territory. [Illegal immigration becomes a problem when there is economic crisis]. All these customs are not necessary in societies where the supply of food or social welfare is secured.
Females incline to have sexual intercourse with male strangers, and incest is prohibited to encourage the diversification of gene combinations, that is, to promote evolution.
With the advance in the knowledge about evolution, it is realized that the protection of the whole ecological system is an indispensable part of human ethics, because the ecological equilibrium is the only way to guarantee human existence.
In general, an action is considered right or good if it goes along with the evolution. Man should not only love his “friends” and his fellow-creatures, but also the nature and all other forms of life.
An action or an order is regarded as immoral, if it undermines the ongoing evolution.
Despotism, the legacy of animal societies, is a black hole in human society. It is an irrational and obsolete order, destroying human intellect, hindering development, and drives a society to the brink of extermination. Dictatorship must disguise itself as nationalism, socialism or any public cause. To join a dictatorial organization is to refuse the right to be a human being. Human reason and conscience are superfluous because they are replaced by the orders of the leader.
Unfavorable orders such as the wide gaps between rich and poor (national and international), that are consequences of opportunism, render the world vulnerable to natural regulatory crisis (political and economic) or even wars.
Charitable activity is moral action because it alleviates the sufferings of the unfortunate and stabilize social development. Unfortunately, these good deeds are still unusual, and frequently done by those once were opportunists and lately “disillusioned”.
The prolonged “crisis of the truth” raises the possibility of disturbing the evolution. The ability to distinguish right from wrong seems not to have any earthly value, but the issue of immediate profit is the motive for all activities. Reason and the conscience endowed by nature seem to be superfluous, only in “illusional” minds. To assure his income, man accepts the “truth” that his ruler tells him, and human society is dominated by the overwhelming power of opportunists.
The lack of the effective guiding conscience brings about incompetent morality. In the era of opportunism, “social” morality is the reason of the strong and the adulator. “Right or wrong”, “good or evil” doesn’t matter. The issue is how to gain as much profit and power as possible. “Progress” may be impressive but crisis are inevitable. It is clearly that almost all bad behaviors arise from the “wisdom” of opportunists.
The irrational orders procured by subtle opportunists in capitalism arouse movements of demanding for redistribution of useful materials. The bad paves the way for the worse. There is, consequently, a more violent stage of “struggle for existence”.
Dictatorship in science (pseudoscience) is very subtle but it is the most formidable, because absolute beliefs in wrong "scientific" conclusions can lead human society to the brink of extinction. All scientific conclusions that base on only 5% matter of the universe are not consistent with reality, leave many important questions unanswered, and there is contradiction between laws of physics (the law of gravity and curved spacetime are supposed to be responsible for the increase in order, whereas the law of entropy causes an increase in disoder).
True physics only begins after the nature of 95% dark of the universe is elucidated. True physical laws are never broken down in any circumstance. No galaxy is universe-breaker or should not exist and the quantum will be not so weird.
Morality is not an ornament, but a matter of survival of the whole mankind. It is not a sort of fashion that man may design whatever he wants. To define the universal principles of morality means to find out a way for survival. That is a great challenge to human reason, but it determines whether man is a successful design or not.
Opportunists cause all man-made sufferings.
Wrong perception of the universe brings about wrong philosophies of life, of which the impacts on human society are world-wide disasters. The twin offspring of materialists are the theories of “struggle for existence” and opportunism, adapted from apparent activities in early stages of evolution, which advocate hatred, force, violence and a tendency to craving for power and useful materials. They support taking advantage of all circumstances to further their immediate interests and being ready to violate the rights of the others. In daily life, the euphemism “struggle for existence” degenerates into “opportunism”. Any theory that derives from the concept “struggle for existence” is a harbor for opportunists, because it is the slogan of sadistic dictators, of nationalistic extremists, in general, of the worst opportunists.
Opportunism affects natural evolution and brings about all man-made sufferings. It may be as brutal as totalitarianism, where force prevails, or as subtle as capitalism, where there is the cooperation of their victims. Opportunist struggles for “superexistence” in a “world” of which the dimension is too small. That is only him himself [selfishness], only his family, only his party, only his nation [nationalism], or only his religious organization [religious extremism]. That is an inevitable consequence of narrowed-minded ideologies, a sort of infantilism: His psychological development ceased at a certain stage of the evolution from a newborn to a competent human being. He struggles for privileges instead of responsibilities. His successes are misfortunes for the whole society, similar to the behavior of cancer cells. [Cancer cells can be viewed as having lost the altruism that usually characterizes cell behavior in multicellular organisms. Ironically, the more successful they are, the more assured is the destruction of their host and ultimately themselves].
Fascism and its adversary are two “black holes” in the ideologies of materialists. They arise from the theory of “struggle for existence and survival of the fittest”. They assert that their class [elites or workers] is the “fittest” and wage a class struggle trying to terminate other parts of the world . These “black holes” would never vanish and more formidable ones would appear, unless mankind, or more precisely, scientists could find the way to get out of “science sans conscience”.
Socialism simply means equal opportunities for each individual in the harmonious co-evolution. It is a dream of mankind and is the only way to minimize the suffering of human being, to maintain the ecological equilibrium, to go along with the natural evolution. It is the reason for sustaining human existence and is really a paradise on earth. A paradise must be and only be a result of love and intellect. Any theory that advocates hatred and violence will certainly bring about social disaster, because it only replaces a group of opportunists with a worse one.
Brutal opportunism only prevails in societies where fearfulness is widespread. To overcome their apprehensive situation, many victims convert their fear into loyalty to their terrorists (the Stockholm syndrome), transform themselves into culprits, and enthusiastically intimidate other victims. Opportunists promote opportunists, looking for more and more victims. Any dissident arouses anger, especially from “secondary culprits” [that is their unconscious effort to hide their fear]. Secondary culprits are very dangerous because they are of increasing number and are in a state of “chronic hypnosis”, a small but well organized group of brutal opportunists ("collective" opportunism) is able to dominate the whole society (collective Stockholm syndrome).
Collective opportunism is the worst form of human perversion and is the culprit of all man-made disasters, in which the already infertile conscience of an opportunist is totally suppressed by collective suggestion and a man would commit a crime without hesitance if there is an order of his leader. Human conscience dies out rapidly in an “organization”.
In the absence of an absolute truth, it is hard and dangerous to practice one’s reason and conscience. A religion with its recommendations is necessary.
Any long-standing religion reveals some aspects of the absolute truth (indeed, the doctrines of religions describe the action of the law of entropy on human societies and result in the ideal concepts such as equality or philanthropy). Religions help to suppress the brutality of opportunism’s “struggle for existence” and lead many human societies to a certain stage of civilization. Societies of mankind would have hardly survived, if there hadn’t been religions with their charitable activities and permanent reminding everyone that there is soul. Religion is indispensable as long as science is incompetent.
Almost all lasting religions try to bring happiness to mankind with their commandments to love each other, not to lie and not to violate the interest of the others. Human civilization has made great progress with religions. However, the advices of religions can not deter opportunists from causing troubles, subtly or barbarously. Moreover, the conflicts between religions raise considerable concern for happiness.
An evolutionary society is dynamic , even souls are also evolutive. Charity is not merely giving donations, but primarily creating jobs for the poor. Therefore, charity works may make man reasonably richer.
Socialism in an evolutionary society does not mean equal property but equal opportunity and a gap between rich and poor is inevitable, because individuals cannot advance at the same level at the same time. We need not pay attention to how rich the rich is, but we must concern ourselves in how poor the poor. Are their social security and health insurance assured? Have they a house? Have their children enough education and opportunity to become rich? If the government can not afford these benefits, the gap will be naturally regulated by social crisis.
Individualism prevails in developed countries, effectively opposes opportunism and has made considerable social advances. Individualism is the basis for freedom, democracy and human right. All inventions for progress come exclusively from individuals, on the contrary, initiatives for waging a war is usually idea of the “masses”. Individualism is always insulted and smeared by dictatorship of all kinds, and even by religious organizations because it spoils their designs. Don’t mistake individualism for opportunism. Individualism means every individual is respected, yourself and the others, no one has the right in the name of any cause to violate the interest of the others.
Individualism can stop opportunists, but it brings man no happiness. In fact, it causes loneliness. Not violating the interest of the others” is not enough. Real and lasting happiness is the result of a process of sharing not only prosperity but also misfortune, not only property but also compassion. The larger the number of people share it, the greater the happiness is.
Unfortunately, trying to enlarge their population, religious organizations apply the methods of opportunists and exercise a sort of psychic totalitarianism. There are similarities between organizations of religions and other dictatorships. (In groups of opportunists who deny the value of religion, personality cult is a substitute.)
They oblige children under the age of discretion to enter their religion, permit marriage only of the same religion, boycott anyone in their region who doesn’t joint their religious community, intimidate the people with hells for unsalvaged souls, and condemn, possibly to death, anyone breaking away from their religion. They separate the world by severing their religion from the rest of mankind and are ready to wage a war against other religions and kill them as aliens coming from somewhere in the universe and having the intention to jeopardize their living.
Paradise or hell resides nowhere other than on the surface of this planet, and that we live in paradise or hell depends on our behavior. The righteous way to worship God is not to pray or to show reverence for a certain icon, but to get along with the motion of the universe, or more practically, the conscience, already present in the possession of each person. The conscience is the God’s words, the decisive part of the soul. A clear conscience is in the heaven, a conscience-stricken soul in hell.
“To live” is “to be living”, not “to prepare to live” (Boris Pasternak, Russian writer 1890-1960).
In a society, where religion rules the government, or the government plays the role of religion, man is deprived of his “quantum” that he has had more than an animal. Religion and government share the profit. No matter how they are in conflict or arrive at compromise with each other, they are continuously frightening human beings into submission.
In fact, most of people, being intimidated since they were young, dare not to use their own reason and conscience and resign themselves to the custody of the “organizations” to earn their living in peace. To exercise one’s own reason and conscience in the prevalence of opportunism is very dangerous. Only legendary heroes or knights in the ancient time did.
Darwin wondered how an evolutionary world destined for perfection could produce cruelty and injustice. He wrote: “There seems to me too much misery in the world. I cannot persuade myself that the beneficent and omnipotent God would have designedly created the Ichneumonidae with the express intention of their feeding within the living bodies of caterpillars”.
Human god is not identical to Creator. The aim of creation is the equilibrium of energy on the large scale of the universe, and has little concern about individuals. The death of individuals or even the extinction of species has little meaning to the process of life and evolution, the increasing order in this part of bright matter in the universe. An individual passes away, many others come to being, the extinction of one species paves the way for other existences.
To be interested in the well-being of each individual is the issue of human beings. Distinguished from other species, human characteristic is having concern about and taking care of the weak and frail. Mankind is endowed with godlike virtue. Human beings are born with the spirit of human god, compensating for the indifference of creation and struggling for the happiness of mankind. This certainly is their great advantage.
Nevertheless, many groups of people in the world assert their own gods, and when their gods are not powerful enough to bestow happiness on the whole mankind, their religions conflict with each other and bring about misfortunes, in contradiction with the wish of their own gods.
Cruelty and injustice seem to be attributed to the increasing order of life (in fact, they are characteristics of all kinds of order), but are destined for (and only for) preserving the ecological equilibrium to assure a perfect evolution.
Plants absorb organic substances in the ground and nourish the herbivores, which in turn feed the carnivores. The most formidable carnivore and herbivore on this planet is man.
Imagine what would have happened if there had been no carnivores on earth. The overcrowding of herbivores would have consumed all plants and put an end to the evolution. The carnivores naturally restrain each other from ravaging the ecology of the planet, and that should not be mistaken for “struggle for existence”. The thing that every species must struggle to feed on others disappoints any observer, but the Creator can not think up a better way to promote evolution as well as to maintain the equilibrium of the environment. The population regulation by nature is usually disastrous. Mankind must itself adjusts its population or it will be naturally regulated.
The theory of struggle for existence said that one species that is the prey to many other species must reproduce much to compensate for their loss. But according to the ecological view-point, if any species reproduces so much, there must be other species of predators to reduce its population and maintain the ecological equilibrium.
Beside extinction because of the damaged environment, natural extinction is a precondition for the next level of evolution and that does not means the species was not capable of struggle for existence. No species evolves for ever, it is only a stage of evolution.
Every species has a role in the ecological evolution and is destined for perfection. The accidental disappearance of one species will certainly disturb the ecology of the environment. The nature doesn’t select the “best”, in fact, there is no elite, all are elements of a whole. One who thinks he is the best, actually the worst. Each creature is a perfect work and the whole ecology is a wonder of the Creator. There is no one exclusively selected. The environment exists as a whole, nevertheless it is not static but continuously changing, because of the natural evolution. The loss of a species or the appearance of a new one is not determined by chance but must conform to the perfection of the evolutive ecology.
There are many “black holes” in human ideologies.
The ideology of human beings depends on how they explain the universe. Human point of views, especially scientific conclusions, that seem to be innocent, may have a disastrous impact on human society.
The end of the domination of geocentric system induced the languishing of feudalism. Its lingering prolonged in the Orient, because the majority of people there didn’t believe that the earth are turning around the sun. Egocentrism is still prevailing. Man usually asserts that only his culture is civilized, others are barbarous; only his religion is true, others are superstitious; only his language is good, others resemble barking sounds (The term “barbarism” comes from “barbar”, the barking sound. The other languages were regarded as barbar).
The science of bright matter era also has a great influence on human thoughts and ways of life.
Capitalism is the struggle for special visible matter, useful matter. Opportunism prevails in all domains. Mistaking means for aims, they struggle at any rate (even make wars), in the belief that more useful material, more happiness. At last, neither the success nor the failure attains their true aim.
Advanced nations want to be more and more powerful, and economically ever growing. Consequently, they damage seriously the environment. Men cannot increase their order faster than the rate permitted by nature.
A human being is actually happy only when everyone is. Because happiness is the result of sharing, not that of the struggle for higher existence. Man cannot pursuit his own happiness without paying attention to the rest of the world. Human beings never live in peace, when there are men who learn how to eat to live longer, whereas others don’t have enough to eat to live. Human God leaves no one behind before permitting mankind to enter his paradise. Real happiness is co-happiness.
The ideology of bright matter era is more and more calamitous. Fortunately, after the World War II, there is no “perfect” theory that is proposed to change the world. However, that is only a matter of time, if man still follows the philosophy of visible matter, sooner or later, the last “black hole” will appear, and subsequently, the last disaster of mankind.
It is a tragedy when man wants to change the world, while misunderstanding its nature. Most of misfortunes in the world are caused by man, shortcoming man who wants to be creator. There is little difference between extremism and insanity.
Being on the wrong way of perception of the universe and him, himself, man conducts a pervasive way of life, breaking up his psychosomatic integrity and damaging the ecological system. These are the causes of almost all diseases. Although the fact that bacteria and viruses are more and more virulent is a clear message from nature, but it seems to be not enough to warn human beings of an imminent catastrophe.
Overpopulation is ecologically unacceptable and must be regulated by nature. The increasing frequency of homosexuality indicates significant dissociation between sexual desire and the need of reproduction. Human beings with successes in medicine and technology have been eluding natural regulations, but they can not be successful for ever. Late regulations are more disastrous.
Are there some persons who believe in the presence of invisible matter and dedicate themselves to construct science and ideology based on the true nature of the universe, and build a Noah ark in time to save persons who are skeptical about the accuracy of the modern science?
If you lost your way, get back and start anew (Oriental philosophy).
The end of the domination of geocentric system induced the languishing of feudalism. Its lingering prolonged in the Orient, because the majority of people there didn’t believe that the earth are turning around the sun. Egocentrism is still prevailing. Man usually asserts that only his culture is civilized, others are barbarous; only his religion is true, others are superstitious; only his language is good, others resemble barking sounds (The term “barbarism” comes from “barbar”, the barking sound. The other languages were regarded as barbar).
The science of bright matter era also has a great influence on human thoughts and ways of life.
Capitalism is the struggle for special visible matter, useful matter. Opportunism prevails in all domains. Mistaking means for aims, they struggle at any rate (even make wars), in the belief that more useful material, more happiness. At last, neither the success nor the failure attains their true aim.
Advanced nations want to be more and more powerful, and economically ever growing. Consequently, they damage seriously the environment. Men cannot increase their order faster than the rate permitted by nature.
A human being is actually happy only when everyone is. Because happiness is the result of sharing, not that of the struggle for higher existence. Man cannot pursuit his own happiness without paying attention to the rest of the world. Human beings never live in peace, when there are men who learn how to eat to live longer, whereas others don’t have enough to eat to live. Human God leaves no one behind before permitting mankind to enter his paradise. Real happiness is co-happiness.
The ideology of bright matter era is more and more calamitous. Fortunately, after the World War II, there is no “perfect” theory that is proposed to change the world. However, that is only a matter of time, if man still follows the philosophy of visible matter, sooner or later, the last “black hole” will appear, and subsequently, the last disaster of mankind.
It is a tragedy when man wants to change the world, while misunderstanding its nature. Most of misfortunes in the world are caused by man, shortcoming man who wants to be creator. There is little difference between extremism and insanity.
Being on the wrong way of perception of the universe and him, himself, man conducts a pervasive way of life, breaking up his psychosomatic integrity and damaging the ecological system. These are the causes of almost all diseases. Although the fact that bacteria and viruses are more and more virulent is a clear message from nature, but it seems to be not enough to warn human beings of an imminent catastrophe.
Overpopulation is ecologically unacceptable and must be regulated by nature. The increasing frequency of homosexuality indicates significant dissociation between sexual desire and the need of reproduction. Human beings with successes in medicine and technology have been eluding natural regulations, but they can not be successful for ever. Late regulations are more disastrous.
Are there some persons who believe in the presence of invisible matter and dedicate themselves to construct science and ideology based on the true nature of the universe, and build a Noah ark in time to save persons who are skeptical about the accuracy of the modern science?
If you lost your way, get back and start anew (Oriental philosophy).
Co-exist, co-happy. Society of free souls is the only way to save true human beings.
Dream-world is a happy world of happy persons, a society without man-made sufferings, that means, without opportunists. We have intellect to investigate the nature and the motion of the universe, and know fairly well what we are doing: We have the responsibility to harmonize with the motion of the universe and have the right to enjoy the beauties of this harmonization.
Happy person knows that he has a soul, a free soul, and he himself can take care of it. Man is endowed with soul to communicate with the universe and to exercise self-control, not to be more fearful and give it into the custody of organizations of psychic or political dictatorship to bear another more oppression.
Body and soul are property of a man. No one else has power over man’s soul; no organization has the right to prevent a man’s soul from salvation. In fact, only he himself can save his soul.
Our fearfulness is the power of opportunists. Free souls have no fearfulness to nourish dictatorship. When we are not easily frightened, opportunists and their ideologies, which have been making hells on this planet, will not prevail any longer.
We know how to control our population to keep the ecological equilibrium and make reasonable progress permitted by nature, and it is important that we share property as well as misfortunes.
There is no absolute freedom (we don't know whether the Almighty has it) but we should be free from ignorance to go along with the universe. Human beings must comport themselves with responsibility as little gods. In dream-land there is no man who is too rich or too needy. Religions will be no longer dictatorial, but consultative for the souls. They are essential factors fighting against opportunists to build the dream-world. The major duties of a government are to prevent crimes of opportunists, to reduce the gap between rich and poor, and give all people equal opportunities. A true government has no privileges to be competed for, it is the issue of honor and responsibility.
Socialism can be performed only in societies with free souls. Soul-lost communities and soul-less "socialism" are not true socialism.
Although socialism is simple and reasonable, but it is possible that man never lives in dream-land, because the fighting against opportunists is hopeless.
Opportunism is ubiquitous with overwhelming power. They are successful and leading the world to endless troubles. They are accompanied by a large and powerful army of escorts and experts who have little interest in the “truth”, but know exactly the power and material interest they will receive. They are “neoplastic cells” that are metastasizing all over human societies.
Man has never realized the nature of the enormous amount of energy supporting the phenomena of life and evolution (as well as the tremendous amount of “perpetuum mobile” atoms). The situation became worse since the existence of invisible matter had been ruled out. Scientists have no choice but resort to the concept of “struggle for existence” to cope with the phenomenon of evolution.
With the mindset of “struggle for existence”, man lives in a vindictive world, a hell of wars after wars, conflicts after conflicts, because he tends to take and doesn’t want to share. He rather struggle for his existence at the expense of others' than try to co-exist.
In societies of “struggle for existence”, there are always winners and losers. Wide gap between rich and poor that is an inevitable consequence will eventually be annihilated by disasters such as economic crisis, and communism movement. High tax on the rich and subsidies for the poor are the best ways to solve the problem, that means, trying to co-exist.
Only if man perceives the universe as it is, will he comprehend its messages and have proper philosophy of life to construct a paradise for themselves. The first message was: “no hate but love” (Christ), and the second would be: “no struggle for existence but co-existence”. Happiness is the result of sharing and co-existence, true happiness is co-happiness.
After hopeless efforts of free souls, all man can think about is to wait for a miracle that never comes. A slim possibility is when human reason, especially science, can realize the presence and the nature of invisible matter, the number of the soul-less or soul-lost will decrease, because they have grounds to restore their souls, and the new generation has reason to safeguard their souls. Hopefully, God doesn’t create “opportunistic genes”.
There seems to be the only possibility that free souls unite to build an ideal society. The treatment now is not the excision of the tumor from the body, but the removal of the normal tissue out of the tumor. Let the world be the world. Let opportunists struggle for existence in their soul-less or soul-lost societies, because there seems to be no way to cure the greediness of these fallen angels.
Let’s build up a Noah’s Ark for ourselves, but never use the material of opportunists, lest our boat will also be sunk by the next deluge. Is there someone who sympathizes with the innermost feelings of Noah once upon a time?
The truth will save mankind
In the early universe, there was nothing but dark matter. Because of the inequality of creation, there are different levels of energy in different regions of the universe, which, according to the law of entropy, cause fluctuations in the background matter (the process of thermal equilibrium). In the cool areas, which are being compressed by expanding hot regions, negative-entropy evolutions including that of life take place and end up with the final explosions. Consequently, cool regions become hot. That results in another inequality (of a lesser degree), and a new cycle (actually a half cycle) begins.
To deny the presence of the invisible matter seems to be a serious mistake (after eliminating the existence of invisible aether, scientists discover that 95% of matter and energy of the universe is invisible), and wrong perception of the universe brings about wrong philosophy of life. The euphemism “struggle for existence” degenerates into opportunism. Opportunists cause all man-made sufferings. Fascism and its adversary are two disastrous “black holes” in the ideology of human beings and more formidable ones (political, economical, sociological and philosophical) will appear unless human reason could realize the true nature of the universe and find out the way to get out of “science sans conscience”.
All black holes must be eradicated from human ideologies to assure co-evolution and co-happiness. Socialism can be constructed only by love and compassion of intellects, that means, competent human beings with souls, free souls.
Be a human being and keep your common sense.
March 14th, 2011
Email: [email protected]
Happy person knows that he has a soul, a free soul, and he himself can take care of it. Man is endowed with soul to communicate with the universe and to exercise self-control, not to be more fearful and give it into the custody of organizations of psychic or political dictatorship to bear another more oppression.
Body and soul are property of a man. No one else has power over man’s soul; no organization has the right to prevent a man’s soul from salvation. In fact, only he himself can save his soul.
Our fearfulness is the power of opportunists. Free souls have no fearfulness to nourish dictatorship. When we are not easily frightened, opportunists and their ideologies, which have been making hells on this planet, will not prevail any longer.
We know how to control our population to keep the ecological equilibrium and make reasonable progress permitted by nature, and it is important that we share property as well as misfortunes.
There is no absolute freedom (we don't know whether the Almighty has it) but we should be free from ignorance to go along with the universe. Human beings must comport themselves with responsibility as little gods. In dream-land there is no man who is too rich or too needy. Religions will be no longer dictatorial, but consultative for the souls. They are essential factors fighting against opportunists to build the dream-world. The major duties of a government are to prevent crimes of opportunists, to reduce the gap between rich and poor, and give all people equal opportunities. A true government has no privileges to be competed for, it is the issue of honor and responsibility.
Socialism can be performed only in societies with free souls. Soul-lost communities and soul-less "socialism" are not true socialism.
Although socialism is simple and reasonable, but it is possible that man never lives in dream-land, because the fighting against opportunists is hopeless.
Opportunism is ubiquitous with overwhelming power. They are successful and leading the world to endless troubles. They are accompanied by a large and powerful army of escorts and experts who have little interest in the “truth”, but know exactly the power and material interest they will receive. They are “neoplastic cells” that are metastasizing all over human societies.
Man has never realized the nature of the enormous amount of energy supporting the phenomena of life and evolution (as well as the tremendous amount of “perpetuum mobile” atoms). The situation became worse since the existence of invisible matter had been ruled out. Scientists have no choice but resort to the concept of “struggle for existence” to cope with the phenomenon of evolution.
With the mindset of “struggle for existence”, man lives in a vindictive world, a hell of wars after wars, conflicts after conflicts, because he tends to take and doesn’t want to share. He rather struggle for his existence at the expense of others' than try to co-exist.
In societies of “struggle for existence”, there are always winners and losers. Wide gap between rich and poor that is an inevitable consequence will eventually be annihilated by disasters such as economic crisis, and communism movement. High tax on the rich and subsidies for the poor are the best ways to solve the problem, that means, trying to co-exist.
Only if man perceives the universe as it is, will he comprehend its messages and have proper philosophy of life to construct a paradise for themselves. The first message was: “no hate but love” (Christ), and the second would be: “no struggle for existence but co-existence”. Happiness is the result of sharing and co-existence, true happiness is co-happiness.
After hopeless efforts of free souls, all man can think about is to wait for a miracle that never comes. A slim possibility is when human reason, especially science, can realize the presence and the nature of invisible matter, the number of the soul-less or soul-lost will decrease, because they have grounds to restore their souls, and the new generation has reason to safeguard their souls. Hopefully, God doesn’t create “opportunistic genes”.
There seems to be the only possibility that free souls unite to build an ideal society. The treatment now is not the excision of the tumor from the body, but the removal of the normal tissue out of the tumor. Let the world be the world. Let opportunists struggle for existence in their soul-less or soul-lost societies, because there seems to be no way to cure the greediness of these fallen angels.
Let’s build up a Noah’s Ark for ourselves, but never use the material of opportunists, lest our boat will also be sunk by the next deluge. Is there someone who sympathizes with the innermost feelings of Noah once upon a time?
The truth will save mankind
In the early universe, there was nothing but dark matter. Because of the inequality of creation, there are different levels of energy in different regions of the universe, which, according to the law of entropy, cause fluctuations in the background matter (the process of thermal equilibrium). In the cool areas, which are being compressed by expanding hot regions, negative-entropy evolutions including that of life take place and end up with the final explosions. Consequently, cool regions become hot. That results in another inequality (of a lesser degree), and a new cycle (actually a half cycle) begins.
To deny the presence of the invisible matter seems to be a serious mistake (after eliminating the existence of invisible aether, scientists discover that 95% of matter and energy of the universe is invisible), and wrong perception of the universe brings about wrong philosophy of life. The euphemism “struggle for existence” degenerates into opportunism. Opportunists cause all man-made sufferings. Fascism and its adversary are two disastrous “black holes” in the ideology of human beings and more formidable ones (political, economical, sociological and philosophical) will appear unless human reason could realize the true nature of the universe and find out the way to get out of “science sans conscience”.
All black holes must be eradicated from human ideologies to assure co-evolution and co-happiness. Socialism can be constructed only by love and compassion of intellects, that means, competent human beings with souls, free souls.
Be a human being and keep your common sense.
March 14th, 2011
Email: [email protected]